You will be evaluated on your ability to be a team player, a leader, and physically tough. This is when SEALs earn their Trident. The accelerated three-week program is highly regimented, facilitated by world-class Instructors, and designed to develop safe and competent free-fall jumpers in a short period of time. Closed for federal holidays, Naval Special Warfare Public Affairs Office, Run by the Naval Special Warfare Assessment Command (NSWAC), Held at the Naval Special Warfare Center (NSWCEN), Held at specified times throughout the summer, Dropouts don't go to (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) BUD/S, Meals ready to eat (MREs) and lodging provided, Opportunity to eat at Naval Amphibious Base (NAB) Galley but you must pay, Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC), Inter-service transfers (Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps), Professionalism: Humility, military bearing, discipline, Tenacity: Maximum effort on every evolution and test, Leadership: Don't try to blend in. Active Duty applicants that do not hold the NECs O26A, O23A or O52A must attend SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Your third tour of duty will be Shore Duty on a Staff assignment, in language school, or at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. SEAL OR SWCC ASSESSMENT, SELECTION AND TRAINING By: Naval Special Warfare Posted: May 25, 2022 Every Sea-Air-Land (SEAL) and Special Warfare Combat Crewmen (SWCC) candidate must endure a long training process, which for enlisted candidates follows Navy recruit training or time in the fleet. SEAL Officer Community Manager (Applications), (888)-633-5460; (619)-537-1149 (Mon Wed). It wont be easy, but if youre the right person for the job, you wouldnt want it any other way. Submit it on time! The appearance of commercial advertising and hyperlinks inserted by the host of this service does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Defense/ Department of the Navy. In coordination with a network of current and former Navy Officer recruiters, my goal is to make information easily available to you so you can make informed career decisions. Since December 2015, women have been eligible to enter the SEAL training pipeline provided they can meet the same acceptance guidelines as men. Medically, all potential applicants must have at least 20/70 vision, correctable to 20/25, be able to pass the SEAL Physical Screening Test and have no recent history of drug abuse. The OCS candidates invited to attend SOAS are college graduates and have to be within the age limit of attending BUD/S (27 years old). More classroom work is required to teach map, compass, land navigation, and basic weapon skill sets. Lateral Transfer One sailor was pronounced dead after arriving, though no cause of death was reported. "Performance and interview data on every candidate is meticulously documented and presented to the NSW Selection Panel.". medical), request an extension from NRC and the SEAL Officer Community Manager (OCM). "Physical stress and sleep deprivation are applied to reveal authentic character traits," the Navy says on its official Naval Special Warfare recruiting site. If you are interested in becominga Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL)Officer, please beginthe application process by emailing a completedNAVPERS Form 1210/9to Your second assignment will probably be with a SEAL team if your first assignment was with an SDV team. March Down select panel narrows down eligible applicants. Prospective SEAL officers will be selected based on the following characteristics: Civilians, midshipmen and cadets must attend SOAS to be considered by the SEAL Officer Selection Panel unless specifically waived by Naval Special Warfare Program Management (OPNAV N137). The reason why most candidates are enlisted and the officer route is so competitive is that the Navy needs more enlisted SEALs than officer SEALs on about a 10:1 ratio. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Side stroke/breast stroke 10:30 min. soas occurs over four blocks throughout the summer (one in may, june, july, and august). You learn how to swim in the ocean and do underwater training in the pool. Is Military School the Perfect University? SQT is intended to equip students with the fundamental tactical understanding required to join a SEAL team. [14], To complete the course, Candidates must pass through a series of jump progressions, from basic static line to accelerated free fall to combat equipment ultimately completing night descents with combat equipment from a minimum altitude of 9,500 feet. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The initial training is conducted in Coronado, CA at Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) Training. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Week Two at SOAS:The days are long, and students will constantly be assessed through more intense physical training. Prospective candidates are selected based on the following. Specialized training available to SEAL Officers includes Sniper, Freefall Jumpmaster, Dive Supervisor, Recall Master, Fast Rope Master, etc. Those who make it to the Third Phase have shown an uncommon dedication to become a Navy SEAL Officer. Each candidate sleeps at most four hours during the entire week, runs more than 200 miles (320km), and does physical training for more than 20 hours per day. LT (SEAL) Andrew W. Dow, USN, Ret. The Navy assigns jobs based on their performance, timing of the rotation, and number of available billets, among many other factors. SQT is designed to provide students with the core tactical knowledge they will need to join a SEAL Platoon. That way only the scores matter. Ultimately, however, she was not selected for a SEAL contract, officials said. Most of this training is new to the class, and the learning pace becomes faster and faster.[14][24]. qualify for the new SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) you will be required to ace the PST, pass an interview, be medically cleared to join the Navy, have competitive grades in college, and any other skills will help (college athletics, leadership, team captain, community service, work experience, letters of recommendation, foreign Third Phase A student plots coordinates on his map during an individual land navigation exercise in Mount Laguna. Inter-Service Academy Pacific Standard Time If you made it to this article, it is safe to assume that you are a very motivated individual. To become a NSW operator, you need to show that you are mentally and physically strong and ready for the work. Following CERTEX, a SEAL Team becomes a SEAL Squadron and is certified for deployment.[14]. [14][25], Graduation from SQT culminates in the awarding of the coveted Navy SEAL Trident and granting of the Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) 5326 Combatant Swimmer (SEAL) or 1130 Special Warfare (SEAL) Officer. If you are a non-SO enlisted and interested in STA-21 you may apply to the generic STA-21 option, and apply to SOAS the summer before your senior year. Candidates will be placed under stress and participate in multiple evolution's while under constant observation by SOAS cadre and psychologists. (Current Navy SEAL Officer Age Limit as of FY 2023). I had been told 90% of your application rests upon your PST scores. "This process ensures every candidate has a fair and equal chance based on Naval Special Warfare standards." It's also possible that not listing the SEALs as a primary career choice would factor against a candidate in the selection process. Applicants must be at least 25 years old and not have passed their 42nd birthday at the time of commissioning. June, July, August- SOAStakes place in three different sessions during the Summer in Coronado, CA. Navy SEAL selection, known as the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S), is one of the tougher special operations selection and assessment courses in the world. Phase one of a work-up is Individual Specialty Training. The goal is to increase the SEAL candidates' physical readiness between the two tests so that they are ready to move on to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) Training. For the Reserve, applicants must be 25 years old and of such an age that they will not have passed their 42nd birthday at time of commissioning. March - Down select panel narrows down eligible applicants. A Navy SEAL Selection Panel convenes in the month of September, All candidates that complete the 2 weeks of SOAS will have applications reviewed by the SEAL Selection Panel, The most qualified applicants are notified of their selection, Selected candidates receive orders to BUD/S, You're highly encouraged to buy a pair of Nike SFB Gen 2 in black (non-Goretex) break them in prior to arrival, Blue or black running shorts (1 pair or more), Other gear and information will be listed in the SOAS Warning Order, Be able to run for an extended period of time on hard surfaces as well as soft sand, Be able to run for an extended period of time carrying weight on your back and head, Be able to demonstrate strength, agility, and endurance which will all be assessed, Do NOT practice breath-holding or risky water training without proper supervision, preferably a certified lifeguard, Be able to tread water for an extended period of time, Be able to tread water in full clothing (shoes/boots included). During this arduous five-and-a-half day period, you will only get around 4 hours of sleep and will be required to exercise for more than 20 hours every day. [14][20] Candidates that consistently do not meet specified time requirements for running and swimming tests are dropped from training. Being invited to SOAS doesn't mean you get an automatic SEAL officer slot at BUD/S. STA-21 NSW option is only available to active duty SO sailors. This new selection program is similar to other Special Operations Command (SOCOM) selection and assessment programs administratively, but the training is pure Naval Special Warfare at its finest. Prospective SEAL officers will be selected based on the following characteristics: Honor Integrity Leadership Physical fitness Related: The Navy Has its First SEAL Officer Applicant. These interviews are an integral part of building a complete picture of each candidate. For active duty, applicants must be at least 19 years old and not have passed their 42nd birthday at time of commissioning. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. The bottom 20% of candidates will be reviewed for performance drop consideration. If you haven't listened already, the previous episode goes into the lead up to SOAS. Can it/they make or break a guy's package? There are four two-week SOAS blocks held every year. You need to make sure you're there for the right reasons, because if not, not only will the instructors destroy you, but so will the people in your class. Three had entered SOAS to date, but only one had completed assessment and selection. Get ready for the hardest training the United States military has to offer. The first three weeks of basic conditioning phase prepares candidates for the fourth week, known as "Hell Week". Selected candidates from this panel are invited to attend SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS). Contact NSWAC to schedule your PST and Exhibit 2 interview. Officer Candidate School (OCS) A typical mission involves the use of many types of means to enter a combat objective: parachute, submarine, helicopter, high-speed boat, foot patrol, or combat swimmer insertion. SEAL Officer Assessment and Selection (SOAS) provides an opportunity for SEAL officer candidates to be assessed against their peers in an equitable training environment, regardless of accession source. Candidates receive professional development in the NSW ethos and receive real-world lessons through interaction with active duty personnel in the community. But how exactly do you get started with your path to become a Navy SEAL Officer? Will Democrats and Big Tech ever apologize? You will employ these fundamental move-shoot-communicate abilities in SEAL Qualification Training (SQT) and on SEAL Teams. You may also find more information about other closely related Navy Officer jobs in our Quick Guide forUnrestricted Line Officer programs, such as the Navy EOD Officer program. First Phase Trainees have their arms and legs tied as a part of "drown proofing" training. NROTC Midshipmen desiring a spot should be committed to preparing themselves for the selection process.