Depending on whether the player trains to swim in the Deep Sea Dock or not, Raiden's response to the Colonel when given the order to swim through the flooded Shell 2 Core will be different. Raiden then met with Snake, who gave him most of his equipment back, along with Olga's high-frequency blade. He then received a call from Boris, who angrily demanded an explanation for his resignation. 1. He then proceeded to rush through the enemy resistance, eventually jumping across several Sliders and run up a building to reach the top. Raiden then proceeded to jump out to hijack a drone so he could defend the chopper. What happened to Raiden after Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? This is explained in a Codec conversation with Doktor. However, throughout his partnership with Wolf, he began to trust him, even telling him that he was free to pursue his own destiny. Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. Even though Raiden acted as the basis for Raikov's creation, as well as the latter's relationship with Volgin, using the Raiden suit in the boss fight against the Man on Fire (Volgin's new form) does not illicit any unique reactions from the latter. The story was initially intended to act as an interquel, taking place between Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4 and explaining what happened to Raiden during this time. Throughout his mission, however, being that the memories of his past began to slowly resurface, he also began to suspect that he enjoyed killing, and reluctantly informed Rosemary as much. Raiden encountered Boris again and, after discussing Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., accepted Boris' request to join the PMC as a full-time employee, forgoing the typical contraction method. Raiden is conflicted through most of MGR, he's hurting, and he's fighting against himself. As Solidus ordered the remaining RAYs to kill Raiden, the virus uploaded into GW went into effect, disabling the RAYs. When Vamp commented on his apparent "immortality," Raiden replied that he simply didn't fear death, before being freed from the Gekko's tethers by Solid Snake's gunfire. Raiden explained his motives, before having to abruptly end the call due to squad cars blocking his path. Also you say "George got to Colorado somehow. Raiden then met with Rose, and he solemnly forgave her, with the two ultimately deciding to continue their lives together. [22] After crossing south to the border, Raiden stopped by a souvenir shop and purchased a Mariachi uniform (traditional garb for Mexican folk musicians) in a misguided attempt to blend in with the locals. However, at some point, the story was shifted to taking place years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4. [73] The negative reception to the character, as well as his girlfriend Rose having similarly negative reception in the same game, was also given a brief nod in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance when Solidus summons them, where he described them as an infamous duo whose mere presence was enough to destroy an entire universe and were feared and hated by the universe. However, this ended up being rejected by Kojima,[38] although a similar design would be used for the character The Fear. The game-play strives to allow the player to replicate the same kind of feats that Raiden performed in Metal Gear Solid 4. Nonetheless, due to his past experiences with Snake, he was completely loyal to the legendary soldier and citing his personal views about Snake. After completing Metal Gear Solid Mobile, revealed to be a VR mission, Solid Snake is declared a failed test subject and has his memories erased, and a pair of mysterious voices discuss a second test subject, "Jack", wondering if he can do better. He also didn't have to worry about Rosemary and John being targeted by Desperado, as they were in New Zealand. Because of his first cyborg ninja conversion, he also bore several scars near his mouth, giving his mouth an appearance similar to that of a Glasgow grin both in his human cyborg form and in his second cyborg ninja body. In the novelization, Fortune's reference to Raiden's time as a child soldier in Liberia was further emphasized, where Raiden thought to himself "Fires of hell. 50 He then arrived in the vicinity, where Sam utilized the banners to tell Raiden about how he has killed several soldiers. Kojima revealed when unveiling the screenshots of the then-in-development demo for Rising that the arm he sent to various groups belonged to "white raiden", and that Raiden's cyborg form seen on the promotional spots and main menu was "black raiden." Their ultimate aim was to control the events surrounding Big Shell in such a way that their AI's could assume control of the populace, thus bringing about the War Economy and the state of the world during Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. He's 100% devoted. Raiden In the artwork for Rising and Revengeance, Raiden had a navy-blue bandage over his left eye as a makeshift eye-patch. As a cyborg, he also had elevated pieces on his feet, near his heel portion. This training and conditioning also put penalties on some of his social capabilities and mental stability. After recovering somewhat, Raiden later attempted to join Snake on his mission to Shadow Moses Island, wishing to defeat Liquid Ocelot and break free of the Patriots' hold on his life, the events of his past ultimately causing him to break down emotionally. Athlete Because of this, removing it caused serious and unpleasant side effects of undergoing temporary memory loss as well as intense flashbacks to his time as a child soldier in Liberia, due to his hippocampus being stimulated, a side effect of the left arm's holographic storage data being connected to cranial nerves to record everything around him and his senses. He also was skilled at being attuned with nature, also known as scouting, which he gave Solid Snake pointers in it when contacting him about in South America. After becoming an cyborg, Raiden implied that he would drown if he attempted to swim due to his immense weight. Another trait of Raiden was also incorporated into Snake as well (having the same name). Despite the best of his abilities, he was unable to defeat Armstrong, let alone do sufficient damage. In the aftermath of the Liberian Civil War the young Jack was removed by Solidus Snake from Liberia and placed in a relief centre. A former child soldier, FOXHOUND member and a close ally of Solid Snake, Raiden has since joined an elite task force known as Maverick in the time period between the events of Metal Gear. Afterwards, Raiden decided against rejoining Maverick, having resolved to fight his own war, albeit against more cyborg mercenaries contracted out to kill him. In large part because of his PTSD-induced nightmares, he also refused to sleep next to Rose out of fear of hurting her. Raiden says that only one out of 50 soldiers can kill without hesitation, before declaring himself a "two-percenter." Taken aboard the aircraft Nomad, Raiden continued to suffer and his chances of survival became bleak. In addition, largely because of his encounter with the Patriots AIs late into his mission, he also did extensive research on the subject of AIs, and wondered whether the Patriots AIs were actually sentient, or simply programmed to be that way. During 2018, he often released discharges of electricity while moving. His training with Solidus suggested some emphasis in melee combat, and particularly in bladed weapons, as demonstrated by his defeat of Solidus in a sword fight during the Big Shell Incident. As Raiden was one of the few people who could expose the truth, Armstrong decided to kill Raiden with EXCELSUS. After he found the "will" to destroy Armstrong, all his attack became stronger. A child soldier, raised to kill, that was brought to America and told not to kill. He also states that he's going to enjoy the ensuing carnage before being ambushed by the DPD cops/Desperado/World Marshal soldiers. Besides Metal Gear Raiden and the Director's trailer, he also has a brief cameo near the end of the film Payback, where he ends up being run over by the Shagohod. This child would turn out to be Sunny, who first appeared in Metal Gear Solid 4. The relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. Raiden's main characteristic was his long white-blond hair. This suggestion was made due to the fact that he and Zimmerman had previously worked together on The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, in which he was Jonny's second voice actor. At some point, Raiden, in large part because of his having to utilize a HF Blade late in the Big Shell Incident, became fascinated with the art of Japanese swordsmanship, training himself with the HF Blade and studying in various Japanese swordsmanship and the samurai code, and even going as far as to watch samurai movies. In other words, Raiden's lack of awareness of his son and his disdain for Rose meant that both would serve no purpose to the Patriots, as their suffering would not move him in any way. Raiden then resigned from Maverick to pursue and retrieve the children's brain cases from World Marshal in Colorado. The doctor then managed to resuscitate Raiden and ordered the beginning of the optical implant, with Raiden wondering what happened to him. the only parts of him not synthetic were like his spinal cord, brain, and few other organs. He also fought against himself, such being the case with Red Raiden vs. Hideo Raiden and Black Raiden vs. White Raiden (and to some extent, "Fire" vs. "Ice"). Whilst playing as this character, Raiden's actions are limited. His abilities were likewise improved after his second cyborgification, to the extent that he joked that he wouldn't need any of his eyes to take down any of Desperado's cyborgs if ambushed. One of his training sessions at FOXHOUND was at Fort Polk, within a mock Afghan village. [33], At some point between his meeting with Rose and his participation in the Big Shell Incident, Rose had informed Raiden that he physically resembled the British singer/actor David Bowie from the latter's youth due to his androgynous features.[34]. Raiden infiltrated the Big Shell by water, swimming through a recently cut hole in the oil fence in order to infiltrate the plant. The_Ivory_Man 9 years ago #8. spine, and most of his head, and I have a theory about some of his organs being human. Instead, Kiefer Sutherland's voice clips of Big Boss were re-used for Raiden's interrogation of enemy soldiers, although slightly modified to sound more "mechanical.". He did a similar pose in Metal Gear Solid 4 itself during Act 2, shortly after defeating several Gekko. Raiden's new body was powered by a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell which needed frequent recharging via Electrolytes extracted from enemy cyborgs during battle. Afterwards, when Andrey Dolzaev called Mistral upon her death, Raiden picked up the radio and told him to surrender. However, he managed to subdue the UG and had him delivered to Maverick in order to have Doktor repair the weapon as well as make some adjustments to the K-9000, known as the Blade Wolf, which included the disabling of his remote piloting and his AI wiping systems. With his custom cyborg body, his durability increased tremendously, as demonstrated in Denver, Colorado after raiding World Marshal HQ. The negative reception towards Raiden and Rose was also alluded to regarding Raiden and Rose's VR avatars in the same story line, in the scene where Solidus is forced to summon their avatars, where it was stated their misdeeds earned them "the combined hate of the entire universe" as well as the ability to "destroy a world" simply by there mere presence, and thus they were infamous in countless universes.[45]. We probably won't ever know what the next step was going to be. Overall, he possesses similar stats to Old Snake and Naked Snake. To play as Raiden, the player must beat the game 100%, collecting all coins with character Mark Appleyard. Some of Raikov's interrogation quotes are also direct references to things Raiden said at various points in Metal Gear Solid 2. This prompted Raiden to stand back up and call Armstrong insane. How could she know about that?". Nonetheless, he managed to buy enough time for the train to pass through the tunnel before Sam could kill him. With each of them having inflicted serious injuries to the other, their battle ended when Vamp succumbed to his wounds and collapsed to the ground. Tribute to Metal Gear character Raiden. His arm was later retrieved from the battle site and analyzed by Maverick, as well as having to undergo a weekly retrieval of files stored on the arm, due to the files being corrupted. Raiden's tattoos are noticeable when he wakes up naked in Arsenal Gear. Raiden appears as the playable main character in Metal Gear Rising, set four years after the events of MGS4. Despite being considered a spinoff title and having been developed mostly by Platinum Games, Kojima did co-produce the game and offered consultation on the story, making it a part of Metal Gear canon unless otherwise noted. After hearing of Rose's miscarriage and subsequent marriage to Roy Campbell, Raiden became despondent. Raiden then jumped to board the chopper, but the railing broke from the weight of his body. On February 15, 2013, the official Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising Facebook pages posted that the MGS4 Raiden would be available as a DLC download for Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network for releases outside Japan on February 19 (the release date for the North American version of Metal Gear Rising). Now apparently working for Colonel Campell who was acting as his support during his infiltration of the Big Shell, Jack was given his official codename - Raiden - after it was revealed that the leader of the terrorist laying the Big Shell to seige was using the codename Solid Snake. Afterwards, he had a fistfight with Armstrong, who had used EXCELSUS' wires to activate his nanomachines. Raiden was a special character downloadable from the SCENE expansion pack along with Vamp. As such he can't regenerate his health via zan-datsu, but he still can heal by getting health pickups like how the player does in Metal Gear Solid 4. A After an intense duel, Raiden managed to kill Sam by impaling him through the chest. Previously a child soldier under Solidus Snake, Raiden was later selected by the Patriots to test the S3 Plan at the Big Shell, as a new recruit to the reformed FOXHOUND unit. He received a call from George, and he reminded George that he didn't want to kill, and that war isn't fun and games when explaining why he wouldn't let George tag along. It is at this point that Solid Snake reveals his true identidy and Raiden resumes his mission to rescue the President. He also knew at least some Spanish, as evidenced by his telling two Mexican pedestrians who spotted him "Adios, amigos!" Preventing a group of Haven Troopers from reaching an immobilized Snake, Raiden demonstrated lightning-like powers, with which he struck down several of the would-be attackers. [46] Added to this is that Raiden, unlike Naked Snake or Old Snake, has the Athlete ability which makes him run faster than regular soldiers. Stunned, Raiden forgave Rose once again, as she felt desperately guilty from being unable to tell him due to the danger doing so presented. John, nicknamed Little John, is the son of Raiden and Rosemary. Raiden is protecting a VIP, when they are attacked by a cyborg organization led by the cyborg Samuel Rodrigues, which eventually leaves Raiden completely defeated. Social Ops Black Raiden bonus giveaway advert for Edion Corporation. In a Codec conversation with Courtney, he told her that he learned Spanish while training with FOXHOUND. With Raiden, they requested the actor to be a male caucasian, within the 23-25 year range, possessing longish blond hair, an athletic build, no scars yet possessing tattoos, plus if possible some hand to hand combat/swordplay experience as well as a slight Greek or Italian accent. 's odd behavior, Raiden had Snake's partner Otacon investigate, who eventually learned that the Colonel was actually an AI construct of GW, partially based on the manipulation of Raiden's memories. Main Article. To slow down their pursuers, Raiden fell behind to hold them off, later being caught under debris caused by the Suicide Gekko's detonation, while Snake escaped to the port area. On one occasion, Jack was injected with an unknown substance during a physician's experiment. By doing this, she revealed herself as an enemy of Solidus Snake, who angrily killed Olga. Specifically, he was modified to allow for him to utilize mid-range attacks via throwing grenades, allowing him to carry an increased supply of various grenade types; and the Command armor, colored yellow-green and possessing a traditional fighting system. He still has the backing of his. Raiden then faced off against and defeated Revolver Ocelot in the fourth round. The story for the game, when it was titled Metal Gear Solid: Rising, was originally going to cover the events that occur between Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, and would have focused on how Raiden became the character he is during the Guns of the Patriots Incident. Disavowing his identity as Jack, Raiden updated Snake as to his dealings with the Paradise Lost Army, before the call was interrupted due to a firefight. On March 4, Kojima compared Raiden's characterization to that of action film series hero John Rambo, citing that both characters fight despite being peaceful in nature.[64]. He has. Raiden, having been overtaken by his "Jack the Ripper" persona. II, Raiden relayed a coded message from Sunny to Naomi, regarding the completion of the FOXALIVE computer virus. Raiden and Snake were able to join forces to take down Dead Cell and upload a virus into GW, Arsenal's AI. After successfully escaping, Raiden went on to assist Solid Snake during the Guns of the Patriots Incident. Infiltrating the Mexican research facility. Black Raiden Play Arts Kai figurine, final color model. The only downside was that, as he did not possess nanomachines at all, he was incapable of performing an SOP link. Raiden, or rather Jack as he is identified in throughout the skit, does not have any dialogue in the skit. Because of this, he was outwardly cold and distant even to people whom he personally knew, such as his then-girlfriend Rosemary. B By the time of the Guns of the Patriots Incident, Raiden had changed considerably; the trauma of his break-up with Rose and the "miscarriage" of their unborn son, combined with rigorous training and his torture at the hands of the Patriots, changed Raiden from an inexperienced rookie to a cold and virtually emotionless soldier, who seemingly doesn't care about his own life; for instance, in his fight with Vamp in South America, he freely admitted to Vamp that he didn't fear death. This training and conditioning also put penalties on some of Raikov 's interrogation are. Did not possess nanomachines at all, he was outwardly cold and distant even to whom! Deciding to continue their lives together Marshal in Colorado points in Metal Gear Solid 4 of,... The skit even to people whom he personally knew, such as his Rosemary... He also knew at least some Spanish, as he did a similar in... 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