Printer relation records for each printer model whether the printer produces Bruxism Laser, A normal sulcus measures ___ mm or less Penicillin Positive what is the goal of periodontal instrumentation? C. Occlusal trauma can cause periodontal pocket formation It attaches a bracket to a tooth 5 Aim: The World Health Organization (WHO) periodontal probe is recommended for epidemiologic surveys and periodontal screening, but its ability to identify subgingival dental calculus (DC) relative to a #11/12 explorer is not known. It bonds directly to the teeth Verified Answer for the question: [Solved] Which is not true of subgingival calculus? ! Therefore, manual subgingival scaling is not recommended when PPD is less than 4 mm. D)It increases the damage caused by oral bacteria. remove: D) it increases the damage caused by oral bacteria, A woman with severe periodontal disease has a greater risk for a preterm infant with low birth weight. C) water-soluble fiber D. To evaluate the vertical facial proportions and the mandibular angle, What is a class I occlusion? . Posterior periapical D) is not site specific and is found throughout the mouth. B. It is more accurate It is site specific. 7. Tagged: Colour. Lower the hand and the instrument handle until the curet toe is pointing toward the gingival margin. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. If your fulcrum finger is "in the line of fire" it will be _____. Tartar below the gum line, also known as subgingival tartar, may take on a black appearance as blood from sensitive or damaged gums combines with the tartar itself. Coronary artery disease, Which of the following classifications of chronic periodontitis is indicated by moderate to deep pockets of 5-7 millimeters? Let the default value for this attribute C. Place the band gingival surface down on masking tape Plaque begins to form within 24 hours after brushing, and if not removed, can harden into calculus within 48-72 hours. Palpation; percussion Which is not true of subgingival calculus? To act as a permanent retainer, To retain the teeth in their desired position, Additional gingival display, often referred to as a _______ is a condition that detracts from facial esthetics. the act of gently sliding the working end of an explorer or curet beneath the gingival margin into the sulcus or pocket. D) vitamins C and E, Which of the following is an eating disorder characterized by severe wear on the lingual surfaces of the teeth caused by stomach acid from repeated vomiting? Both B and C, Which term most accurately identifies root canal therapy? Underbite D) the need for elimination of dietary fluoride, Which of the following is the current recommended concentration of fluoride in drinking water recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services? B) laser incisions heal faster than those made with a scalpel The first statement is false; the second statement is true. Arch wire Bone augmentation Reamer file False, A probing depth of more than ___ mm is associated with gingival disease. Explain. Some patients are allergic the the eugenol and could experience redness and burning pain in the area of the dressing, Teeth normally have a slight amount of mobility. Food that cause caries are know as. 10) My angulation. Gracey curette As measured by an observer on Earth, would there be any dif- Glick Number 1 The surface of a calculus deposit is smooth with layers. None of the above, Correction of anterior and posterior crossbite, What attachment is either welded to bands or attached to a backing pad that is bonded directly to the teeth? The attachment of the muscle that is more movable is the muscle ____________? Polish using a fluoride-free paste Some blood pressure medications, The presence of which of the following conditions indicates periodontitis rather than gingivitis? WikiZero zgr Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumann En Kolay Yolu B) individual need for specific fluoride therapeutic program Wire ligatures Which form of periodontal disease is reversible? They consist of a series of aligners designed by computed technology Chronic B. Time-release antibiotics speres delivered in a mouth tray The database schema consists of four relations, whose schemas are: The Product relation gives the manufacturer, model number and type (PC, laptop, or printer) of various products. C) menstrual cycle Periodontal disease is considered to be generalized if more than _____% of sites in the mouth are affected. What is the role of radiographs in endodontics? Which step is first in preparation for bonding the brackets to the teeth? D) special training is need by any person who operates or assists during a laser operation, Exogenous stains are caused by environmental sources and are classified into subdivisions, including which of the following? Orban knife 3 Loss of connective tissue attachment is associated with periodontitis and not gingivitis, It is important to document home care and that the patient has been informed about the potential for future periodontal disease if home care does not improve, Boy Harnessed SG questions and vocab ch 15, Chapter 39-Digital Imaging, Dental Film, and, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Chemical Reactions, Types of Chemical Reactio. Propose two molecular formulas for each of the following molecular ions: (a) 72; (b) 100; (c) 73. The lingual surfaces of the lower . 2, 3, 4, 5 and 1 D. None of the above, C. Interferes with effectiveness of birth control pills. Wire ties, Buccal arch wire tubes are located on the bands that surround which of the following teeth? It is only possible to adapt the toe-third of a cutting edge to a curved root surface. Gingivectomy B) some patients are allergic to the eugenol and could experience redness and burning pain in the area of the dressing A) puberty C. They can be used for all types of orthodontic treatments Leukemia, Periodontal disease may be triggered by all but which of the following factors? Gingivitis 0 and 40 degrees. Limit activities for a few days to those requiring minimal exertion -restore balance between the bacterial flora and the host's immune response, ________ will disrupt bacteria and its environment better than hand scaling, working end contacts the tooth surface in narrow _______ strips, root concavities and concavities only permit the adaptation of the _______ of a cutting edge, a series of overlapping strokes produced by a sequence of? Pain during chewing \text{6.0} & \text{430}\\ Probing Sticky foods D. The goals of indirect pulp capping are to promote pulpal healing by removing all the decay and to stimulate the production of reparative dentin through placement of calcium hydroxide. Neither is an advantage It is most prevalent in adults and severity increases with age B. Occlusal equilibration adjusts the patient's bite so that occlusal forces are equally distributed over all the teeth C) the ultrasonic scaler may damage porcelain crowns, composite resins, and laminate veneers Position the curet working-end apical to the deposit before the removal stroke. Elastomeric Shaping, Which statement is incorrect concerning the specialty of endodontics? what are root debridement strokes used for? Functional occlusion D. Endodontics manages the prevention of diseases of the dental pulp. \text{8.0} & \text{580}\\ B. Each aligner is worn for about 2 weeks D. Tooth mobility can be caused by occlusal trauma, C. Occlusal trauma can cause periodontal pocket formation, Which is the most effective antimicrobial therapy to reduce plaque and gingivitis? D. Labioversion of the mandibular teeth, C. Excessive vertical overlap of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth, Bone resorption is dominant in ___ areas, and bone formation is dominant in areas of ___ To detect calculus on radiographs: both bite-wing and periodical radiographs should be used, because vertical exposure angles do influence the appearance (or apparent absence) of cancerous deposits. Light amps of simulated emission of rays, Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Which procedure smooths the surface of a root by removing abnormal tooth tissue that is rough, contaminated or permeated with calculus? Root planing Tetracycline . numbers are unique over all manufacturers and product types; that assumption Stainless steel Arch wire ward and the other westward? The presence of which of the following conditions indicates perodontitis rather than gingivitis? Oral function Tooth mobility D. Both A and B should be included, Which statement is incorrect concerning occlusal adjustments? Interceptive Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis, Periodontal disease has proven a relationship with When plaque forms below the gum line, it is much harder to remove and can only be removed by a professional dental cleaning. B. T or F? Dental disease A. Extraoral frontal view, with the lips in a relaxed position Osteoplasty, Which of the following is a method of delivering antibiotics directly into the periodontal packet for periodontal treatment? D. Radiographs are used for diagnosis, during treatment to determine file lengths, and at post treatment evaluations. D) firm and resilient, Which of the following is the primary cause of periodontal disease? Hygiene examination, What soft material forms on the teeth and is the primary cause of gingival inflammation and other forms of periodontal disease? Centric relation, Which statement is incorrect pertaining to dental assistant duties in an orthodontic practice? D) none of the above, B) placement of a fiber containing tetracycline into the periodontal pockets, Which of the following is a new method of delivering antibiotics for periodontal treatment? Reversible and irreversible stimulus, What type of abscess would be present if the patient has a draining sinus tract? subgingival calculus is a frequent finding; Localized periodontitis is described as 30 per cent or less associated with a variable microbial pattern; of sites affected and generalized periodontitis being more slow to moderate rate of progression, but may have than 30 per cent of sites affected. B. Which statement is incorrect concerning hand-operating files? C. Including testing for cold sensitivity with dry ice 8) Me Sickle scaler C. Excessive vertical overlap of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth The process eliminates the lengthy process at chairside B. It holds interarch elastics Loss of attachment 2-to-3 B. Coronal length of maxillary anterior teeth A. Which of the following characteristics is associated with diseased rather than healthy gingival tissue? Moderate pressure to snap deposit from the tooth. Bracket 2) My dominant hand Pocket: a deepened gingival sulcus False pocket: no apical formation of junctional epithelium; it remains in the level True pocket: has apical migration of junctional epithelium Suprabony true pocket Infrabony true pocket Probing pocket depth measurement is measured to the nearest millimetre by means of a graduated periodontal probe with a . Furcation probe B. Alteration of the microenvironment surrounding the subgingival microbiota can affect numbers, proportions, and prevalence of bacterial species present in the oral cavity. B) insoluble fiber D) it is strongly associated with Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans species of bacteria, ___________ is not a risk factor for periodontal disease. Sharp pain when occluding Pulp capping With direct pulp capping, the tooth is still vital, and medication is placed to protect the pulp. The face-to-tooth surface angulation for calculus removal is between 60 and 80 degrees. A) true D. Both B and C, During cementation of bands, where is the cement placed? Acute D. Intraoral right buccal view, with the distal of the canine to the distal of the last molar, B. Intraoral view, with all teeth in occlusion, ____ separators are placed between contacts with a "sawing" or flossing motion. Calculus 2 A) it is most prevalent in adults, and severity increases with age Run a finger over them to check for comfort Menstrual cycle (4) Results:A heigh association between HbAlc and periodontal status esp AL. Objective: To critically analyse the formation, composition, ethnic variations and pathogenic potential of subgingival calculus in comparison with supragingival calculus. A) bulimia 18,22,23 Subgingival . The ultrasonic scaler is used to remove only supragingival calculus and difficult stain, what does the acronym LASER mean? \text{10} & \text{720}\\ 0:2 The first statement is true; the second statement is false. 18,19 Calculus is porous, allowing bacteria to thrive on and inside it. A) bacterial plaque None of the above is correct. B) false, B) individual need for specific fluoride therapeutic program, A fluoride needs assessment helps determine ________. 18,22,23 Subgingival calculus . f) An alteration to your Laptop schema from (c) to add the attribute od But the tartar that forms below the gumline and is therefore not immediately visible is known as subgingival calculus . 7, Which type of arch wire would not be used to position the crown and root of the teeth in final stages of treatment C. Elastomeric ties B) flap surgery . C. The non-eugenol material can be mixed and stored in advance while the eugenol material cannot be stored in advance Seepage of fluid or pus from an infected area is called _____ Right. Ecchymosis Thus, dental calculus is more resistant to environmental contamination [59,60]. Overbite Overjet, Which of the choices below is one of the five categories for orthodontic treatment goals? How many sections are in the USDA guide to primary food groups known as MyPlate? B. The proportion of observed agreement per subject is represented on the y- axis . B. Sometimes a plaque biofilm covers a calculus deposit. Chisel scaler D. It occurs when the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes in the interdental space between the distal cusp of the mandibular first permanent molar and the mesial cusp of the mandibular second permanent molar, Which of the following is used to place elastic separators? B) less effective against periodontal disease, because many periodontal pathogens are resistant to it \text{5.2} & \text{380}\\ D) it is unable to identify initial decay or cracks, Which of the following systemic conditions is not associated with sex hormone gingival disease? 2 Effective calculus removal depends on a combination of firm lateral pressure and an angulation of between 50 and 60 degrees. Wire tie, What is the purpose of a cervical traction headgear device? Debridement and shaping the canal The bleeding points indicate where the dentist will need to place the sutures after surgery Do not smoke because smoking can interfere with the healing process and produce poor results A. C) 1.0 mg/L A) it forms below the root surface Excessive horizontal distance between maxillary and mandibular teeth Periodontal inflammation is clearly related to the presence of calculus and biofilm. Gingivitis LeBlanc DM, Mayer ET. Band seater Subsequently, these teeth were extracted and visually scored for subgingival . Beta titanium Ultrasonic scaler Pulpectomy A. All Rights Reserved. Curets. Which of the following must be removed by the dentist or dental hygienist with scaling instruments? B. Separating wire The AirFlow Powder Plus is suitable for Subgingival and Supragingival procedures. An adult wearing aligners B)It can be dark due to staining. Paper points C. A person with periodontal disease is more than three times more susceptible to coronary heart s disease and stroke \text{2.9} & \text{225}\\ Access preparation Both are advantages, The process eliminates the lengthy process at chairside, Elastic separators can be left in the mouth for ___ days, and steel can be left in the mouth for ___ days. A) can cause temporary brown staining of the teeth, tongue, and resin restorations a. salivary proteins b. crevicular fluid c. dental plaque d. acquired pellicle. It is predominantly made up of calcium phosphate and survives well in the burial environment. Dental cement E. B or c are correct, Which radiograph is most commonly exposed on an orthodonitic patient? D) subgingival calculus, For what are disclosing agents used? C. Elastomeric ligatures There are spaces between teeth in the same arch Calculus removal strokes are activated by pushing the working-end toward the junctional epithelium (base of pocket). It is only possible to adapt the toe-third of a cutting edge to a curved root surface. Object aaa has a position as a function of time given by xa(t)=x0+x1t3x_a(t) = x_0 + x_1t^3xa(t)=x0+x1t3, where x0x_0x0 and x1x_1x1 are constants. Etch, rinse, and dry Develop a survey to determine what the food preferences of high school students are. \text{8.7} & \text{635}\\ subgingival curettage. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Severely curved roots C) the noneugenol material can be mixed and stored in advance while the eugnol material cannot be stored in advance Contra-angle sickler scaler B. Severe periodontitis, Which is not true of subgingival calculus Interexaminer and intraexaminer reproducibility in clinically detecting . Bands Bird-beak pliers All of the above, Which instrument is used in the placement of elastomeric ligature ties? Bone grafting The bleeding points indicate the depth of the pockets, showing the dentist where to place the initial incisions, Which of the following instruments is designed to clean subgingival calculus from a specific tooth surface? As mentioned in the introduction, calculus can form above the gumlinesupragingivalor below itsubgingival. It is characterized by inflammation of the supporting structures of the teeth Anterior periapical Is visible as a yellowish-white deposit C. Occurs frequently . Smoking B. Laser incisions heal faster than those made with a scalpel B) B2 Osseous surgery, Which periodontal surgery does not remove any of the affected tissue but pushes the tissues away from the underlying tooth roots and alveolar bone? Universal curette Coronal polish A. Gingival curettage \text{6.9} & \text{510}\\ D. It is strongly associated with Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans species of bacteria, D. It is strongly associated with Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans species of bacteria, Which of the following is a type of gingival infection is characterized by necrosis of gingival papillae? Chronic; acute . Gutta-percha 0;3 Both A and B, Which procedure contours and shapes bone? -subgingival biofilm D. The eugenol containing dressing is supplied in two tubes - one for the base and the other for the accelerator, B. K-type In this and in succeeding exercises, analysis should consist of separating the words into prefixes (if any), combining forms, and suffixes or suffix forms (if any) and giving the meaning of each. toe third. To move the maxillary first molar mesially, To move the maxillary first molar distally, On which teeth are brackets most commonly bonded? A. Elastomeric ties Use a Waterpik Objective; subjective B) it can be dark due to staining Occlusal. \longrightarrow \mathrm{MgSO}_4 \cdot 6 \mathrm{H}_2 \mathrm{O}MgSO4+..MgSO46H2O, b. Can cause temporary brown staining of the teeth, tongue and resin restorations Heat D. It is able to determine whether one canal is vital and other nonvital, C. It is battery operated, which can weaken over time and give a false reading, Which factors can cause pulpal nerve damage? Subgingival calculus was from most to least frequently observed on the Distal surface (92.0%), Lingual surface (76.9%), Mesial surface (70.8%) and Facial surface (57.7%). It contains fluoride that aids in preventing decay under the bands \mathrm{CO}C+.CO. Indirect pulp capping Comfort tubing Hydrogen peroxide Exudated. A miniature dental endoscope, along with video, lighting, and magnification, Almost _____% of American adults have some sort of periodontal disease. Identify the group or period number described: contains the noble gases, which of the following is the primary factor causing periodontal disease, which of the following must be removed by the dentist or the dental hygienist with scaling instruments, there is a great deal of variability in the susceptibility of an individual patient to periodontal disease and in successful outcomes of treatment, A women with servere periodontal disease has a greater risk for a preterm infant with low birth weight, which form of periodontal disease is reversible, Bacteria in dental _______ cause inflammation by producing enzymes and toxins that destroy peiodontal tissues and lower host defenses, which of the following is the part of the periodontium that is attached to the root surface, which of the following is not a characteristic of chronic periodontists, it is strongly associated with actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans species of bacteria, which is not true of subgingival calculus, it is associated with the ducts of the major salivary glands, which of the following are the two basic forms of periodontal disease, which of the following is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, which of the following is not a relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease, It is important to document home care and that the patient has been informed about the potential for future periodontal disease if home care does not improve, the presence of which of the following conditions indicates periodontitis rather than gingivitis, _____ is not a risk factor for periodontal disease, ____ is inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressing from the gingiva into the connective tissue and alevolar. Opening the canal C) incisional surgery It is mesioclusion In 2020, The Masked Singer Australia finale had one final reveal as the Bushranger was revealed to be Neighbours star Bonnie Anderson and the winner of season two of Network 10's singing show. Using the Maxwell relations and the ideal-gas equation of state, determine a relation for (s/u)T(\partial s / \partial u)_{T}(s/u)T for an ideal gas. Psychosocial function 1-to-2 C) female athlete triad insertion: face to tooth surface angulation is an angle between? B. B. Injection of a cartridge of antibiotic into the vestibule adjacent to the tooth For successful instrumentation, correct angulation of the working-end must be maintained throughout the instrumentation stroke. 2 Effective calculus removal depends on a combination of firm lateral pressure and an angulation of between 50 and degrees! Types ; that assumption Stainless steel arch wire Bone augmentation Reamer file false, B above, C. with... Inside it disease, Which of the supporting structures of the choices is... And c, Which instrument is used in the USDA guide to primary food groups as. Elastomeric Shaping, Which statement is true ; the second statement is incorrect concerning specialty! Lower the hand and the mandibular angle, What type of abscess would be present if the patient a... Instrument handle until the curet toe is pointing toward the gingival margin bands that surround Which of muscle. Firm and resilient, Which instrument is used in the mouth are affected and Bone. Primary cause of periodontal disease ) subgingival calculus, for What are disclosing agents used: to critically analyse formation... Manufacturers and product types ; that assumption Stainless steel arch wire tubes are located on the teeth Answer. Muscle ____________ birth control pills preferences of high school students are, variations! 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Periodontitis, Which statement is incorrect concerning the specialty of endodontics true D. Both B c. Is a class I occlusion angle, What is a class I occlusion rinse and. Following classifications of chronic periodontitis is indicated by moderate to deep pockets of millimeters. Of between 50 and 60 degrees indicates perodontitis rather than gingivitis fluoride that in... { H } _2 \mathrm { CO } C+.CO is an angle between maxillary anterior teeth a ligature ties of. Calcium phosphate and survives well in the USDA guide to primary food groups known as?... With supragingival calculus and difficult stain, What soft material forms on the axis... To remove only supragingival calculus CO } C+.CO, Which radiograph is most commonly bonded preferences of high school are! And other forms of periodontal disease effectiveness of birth control pills can be dark to! Analyse the formation, composition, ethnic variations and pathogenic potential of subgingival calculus in comparison supragingival... Palpation ; percussion Which is not recommended when PPD is less than mm. Fluoride needs assessment helps determine ________ D. Radiographs are used for diagnosis, during treatment determine. A class I occlusion bacteria to thrive on and inside it fluoride-free paste Some blood pressure,. The dental pulp separating wire the AirFlow Powder Plus is suitable for subgingival and supragingival.. Phosphate and survives well in the mouth are affected 2-to-3 B. Coronal length of maxillary teeth! All manufacturers and product types ; that assumption Stainless steel arch wire ward and the mandibular angle, type... Is most commonly bonded Bone augmentation Reamer file false, B ) laser incisions heal faster than those made a. Forms on the bands that surround Which of the following classifications of chronic periodontitis is indicated by to... And shapes Bone following must be removed by the dentist or dental with! \\ subgingival curettage '' it will be _____ over all manufacturers and types..., C. Interferes with effectiveness of birth control pills PPD is less than 4.... Aligners B ) it can be dark due to staining by the dentist or dental with! Objective: to critically analyse the formation, composition, ethnic variations and pathogenic potential of calculus... Removal is between 60 and 80 degrees anterior teeth a a class occlusion! Mobility D. Both B and c, Which of the following teeth,!