female led relationship obedience

They feel a happy house is where the wife is happy. Here is what needs to be done. How some women get the intention to dominate their partners comes from their backgrounds and past events. Or at work? When they do voice their opinions, it only leads to a fight. That way, the worse he performs, the less money he gets and the more he feels his dependency on you. We agree to the following traditions _______________________________________ (see attachment for details). You feel stuck. I am curious to ask if he feels youve distanced yourself from him and if he feels more alone now that you dont seem to care enough to manage him as tightly as you once did. You may be a man who really wants to know if you are ready to experience female domination, a women in charge, a sexually dominant female led relationship. That is more power than I need, and more than Women should have, which speaks to how my FLR is evolving. But this case is one of a mutual agreement and no one has any problems with this settlement. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Actually, when I was younger, I tried to convince myself of this. Most of this comes from her guided introspection. She's the manager, you are the subordinate. Be a man about it and step up and do as much as possible so she doesnt have to. It did for Butler. Improves male hygiene 1.2 2. Featured / 11 July 2021. In 90% of what Ive read, sex is very intergrated in the whole process. Just a note, this is not the place to announce your undying love and devotion to one of the Dominant Ladies. Then take the time to decide who is responsible for what so you can make progress; and how you are going to communicate progress/change/failure. Such is the scenario even in some marriages. Quiz: Is a Female Led Relationship for You? Does it feel good when you're taking care of others you care for? Defining the philosophy of Female Dominance, conducting a female led relationship in public and allowing a man achieve complete peace within himself through dedicated service to a woman continue to be the cornerstones of our relationship. Not All Is Bad About A Female Led Marriage, Whats New in Windows 10 Version 1909 19H, Windows XP 2021 system build for the modern PC Page 7 Windows 10 Forums, Wish To Control Husband in a good and protective way, The husband feels like a mother hen is always sitting on his head, The man tries to sneak out many times by speaking lies. Real men know that the more they do, the happier their partner will be. For instance, if you want to control his weight, it will be hard for him to resist that burger during his business lunch. He is limited by/to ______________________________________. By Amanda Jette Knox. In some other cases, the dominance is quite evident in public too. Have him strip naked. Cafepress has some great options to keep your husband sober. Some examples of traditions: As a sign of respect for her leadership, he will defer to her in public situations. We want to show investors that there exists a large audience for a movie, Sometimes it feels like you are not advancing. Here are some ideas for your list: you might want to control his weight through his diet. (No more guessing! His feminine presentation has really improved. Some examples ceremonies: Exchanging/giving vows based on this agreement; A ceremony formally celebrating his acknowledgement of her leadership; A surrender ceremony celebrating his release of control; A commencement ceremony to begin FLR. His sexual energy will increase They said that they enjoyed being dominated by their wives. If you thinking to marry a bossy woman it may be the best thing you have done in your life. Visitors will want to know who is on the other side of the page. If you are going to have ceremony and/or formal rules, list them here so if they are broken you can recognize non-performance, show documentation, and seek remediation. Sign me up! We have all been in a male-led relationship, but have you ever tried a female-controlled relationship? Female-led marriage is a type of marriage where the woman is the dominant one, and her husband is submissive. Youll end up with 2 lists: what you want and what your husband wants. The husband dare not disobey this one, else all hell might break loose. We affirm that our ideal relationship includes ____________________________ and does not include _________________________. Votes and vetoes can be listed her as well. Most people get into relationships because they become passionate about each other and have chemistry. [Examples: We believe we are better as a couple than we are apart. Remediation include the reading of this agreement where the non performance has occurred, the agreement by both parties that non performance has occurred, and the submission of either or both parties to the consequence of non performance. They consider themselves explorers of the boundaries of consensual female domination. Are you honest enough to know that a lot of women rule the roost in a nice way? She has all the power and his money, has no way out. This can, at times be mistaken as me having an Alpha or controlling personality. He will understand women 1.5 5. Rather, the relationship will be led by the feminine energy within both of you. Male submission is not weakness, it takes great strength of character to openly accept female leadership in your relationship. They had no issues in following their partners instructions as they believed that she is always right. A training manual for Female Led Relationships. This is what I realized about myself, but . It will make him respect your authority 1.3 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My life isn't "easier" but it's certainly better. It is certainly a wonderful way of life, as the women and men who enjoy it's benefits will tell you. This is what he feels he wants and needs and in return you can have do him everything he wants. Simply put, do what she says. Household chores 1.4 4. Even when dining in a restaurant. You might think this is silly but we all make relationship agreements. Male Discipline in a FLR by Ms. Rebecca James. If you have chosen a level 1 or do not desire a FLR you will need a more traditional agreement. He has to earn it with a loving or caring gesture. john. My spouse's mood was off, once again; this chronic melancholy, this little Eeyore cloud hanging over our lives and saturating everything in miserable little droplets. . This is where you can play up to that if you are willing. I just want to make sure my husband is fulfilled in his life as a whole, not just in our home. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Female Led: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Yes, there is more than one type of FLR. Female-Led Relationships (FLR) are based on the matriarchal philosophy of Loving Female Authority and places women in authority and teaches males to submit and serve their wives. This is a . Have questions about a project, or want to get involved somehow? The male need for discipline and nurturing from the loving hands of a woman is based in the spiritual, emotional and social necessities of the inner nature of man and these needs never go away.. If needed, we will create a formal document where the conflict is registered and the remediation is written. We want to empower women. Another way of establishing absolute control over his behavior is through blackmail. PURPOSE: To allow the subjects the opportunity to re-experience toddlerhood within a Female Led Relationship, and to take control of the relationship. He is no longer allowed to wear his underwear, in fact, I suggest you throw away his underwear. Was this article helpful? Recently we have seen people, particularly men, protecting themselves with a prenuptial. She managed to complete a PhD, and start what would become a successful practice, all while being a wonderful wife, and mother, and working through the toughest years of our marriage. What Is a Female-Led Relationship? Id be happy to be given directions to follow, and feel good about doing what I am told to do. Remember, he has a fantasy and you may, too. This agreement is about how we want to proceed as a couple. When a woman feels that her husband is too nave and she is too stoic, she feels that she should take the lead. Discover like-minded friends and premium membership benefits! The woman should make sure that she is not stepping on her partner's dignity when she makes decisions for both of them. This can include measurable time together/apart, pursuit of hobbies and interests, including/not including friendships and family, workshop, seminars, vacations, showing appreciation, anniversaries, dating and focus time as examples. While being strong, and an alpha personality, she is incredibly intuitive of what people need, and a strong want to to help or fix everyone and everything that she loves, sometimes to a fault. Most agreements we make in relationships are verbal. Being the leader can be tough, so shoulder as much of the menial work and day to day chores as possible to make her life easier. The woman will do most of the decision-making. When a woman feels that her husband is too nave and she is too stoic, she feels that she should take the lead. Whether the wife gives importance to the husbands parents or not, her parents are a top priority. I am beginning to think that the level of control I am exercising over him may be abusive. Its only a 10 minute read and I guarantee you will learn something useful, Dear fellow male subs. We believe our mission in life is to promote opportunities for women to lead. Has your boyfriend/husband approached you with the idea of taking more control? Something went wrong while submitting the form. I've written about this. Such controlling wives will never let husbands watch porn or will never watch it together with them too. Will men betray their own gender and work for its overthrow? I knew this would be a challenge for my wife, and I didn't know if she would be willing to do this. . I found it very interesting. Female Led Relationships: Rules and Benefits. A female led relationship is not about the enactment of your male fantasies, it is the re-focussing of your entire life for the benefit of a Dominant woman. Relax, knowing that she knows what is best for you, and just focus on your service to her. . This lifestyle will spill over into how society operates. Proceeds cover our down payment to buy the famed Cathexis House where Viola and her subs currently live and host gatherings. If we are unable to buy from the current owner we will be forced to move out of our beloved home. She is limited by/to ______________________________________ (or just insert the words no limits imposed if there are none). Punishment though is a different beast. Initially, your feminine energy will be stronger than his so you will need to take the lead and guide him over to your side. Female-led relationships are ones in which women typically take the lead, initiate, and make the decisions. However, since starting this, he is much happier and more motivated, and I dont have to make EVERY little decision, and the communication we have at new levels and early in looming decisions or processes, that communication is eliminating the possibility and need for absolute obedience on his part. A dominating wife could ruin her own marriage. "A female-led relationship or FLR is a relationship where a woman takes the lead and serves as the dominant partner, while a man serves as the submissive one. We believe we are setting a new social norm. In marriages where women are not so smart and yet dominate their husbands, it could lead to chaos and problems. In my experience, the best way to control your husband is to take control over his finances. Such husbands are happy to meekly follow whatever their wife orders them to. My wife also enjoys a high level of what I will call leadership in our household. By denying him the corporal punishment he needs you are limiting his growth as a submissive male and loyal servant. Show that you aren't another schmuck who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk! The remedy will be administered no less than ___________________ (1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week) after non-performance has been called and documented. That doesnt mean, however, that I wont rely on his strengths and abilities. So I started researching Female Led Relationships which had steered me to encouraging him to be Rachel full time and to gradually increasing my control and . Levels of female-led relationships. The 2 Basic Types of Female Led Relationships, The Level of Control I Have Over My Husband May Be Abusive, Our FLR is the Beginning of the Best Years of Our Marriage, Key Words To Describe FLRs on Dating Sites. What I have learned about this life is that, if you are faithful, your hard work will pay off in unexpected ways. gaining access to our 100% private forum sign up now! It will make him more attractive 1.9 9. In private life, they are mistress and slave. But it gets too much if the husband is expected to do this alone all the time. Now that he is your slave, it is time to treat him like a slave: Explain to your husband that all household items are yours and yours alone from no-one. Learn to charm her, romance her, continually surprise her, find new ways to show your devotion, to show you care. If you have not yet done so take the time to create a list of what make a relationship ideal for each of you and together decide what you would like to include in your agreement. She would always throw a tantrum if her wishes are not fulfilled. What Is A Secret Signal In A Female Led Relationship Nothing too complicated here. Matters of the heart are hard to govern. It makes their wives feel happy and empowering. Discipline comes in all shapes and sizes.It is a part of molding a submissive's behavior and making corrections when they step out of line. Ashley, What a thoughtful and well written post on your evolving relationship. To do so, click on the tickbox marked Automatically keep my Mac up to date. In taking on this role, C***** is to take responsibility for the household decisions, to own the choices she makes, to set clear . GET THE COMPLETE SERIES OF OFFICIAL RULES FOR A LOVE & OBEY FEMALE LED RELATIONSHIP "I Learned how to make moves every day that demonstrated my dominance without hurting my husband's feelings." - Kathy In her spare time, she studies Sanskrit, meditates, and creates educational podcasts on female led relationships. I incorporate it in my marital relationship as the threat of embarrassment is usually greater for my husband than his belief that I would never dare to post the pictures and videos publicly. This is a natural behavior that comes out of past vengeance. Attend everything from film festivals centering women and non-binary filmmakers, to elaborate rituals within our hidden temple space.OTHERON-GOINGPROJECTS: As part of our community you will also have access to a new FemDom magazine, with select articles and excerpts published here quarterly, and you'll get a peek at the rare acquisitions of the FemDom museum and archive, including books, pamphlets, photos, films, magazines, and other artifacts relevant to the history of gynarchy., The Obedient Love podcast and Ms Viola's training has been enormously helpful for me. Ponwell.com strives to provide motivation and inspiration to people in different fields. Female-Led Relationships (FLR) are based on the matriarchal philosophy of Loving Female Authority and places women in authority and teaches males to submit and serve their wives. She'll make the best decision for the both of you. Faith, hope and guiding principles acts as the moral compass you are using to direct your lives. Are you wanting to support her in embracing her inner bossiness and building self confidence? There is not much solid data but there may be many reasons women and men choose not to make formal relationship agreements. Although I have always viewed my parents marriage as healthy with my Mother strictly in charge and requiring my dads obedience, I now, in my own marriage I am increasingly concerned with abuse that demeans or devalues my marriage partner. From the outside, it looks. That's according to sex therapist and researcher, Gloria Brame, Ph.D., as reported by Mind Body Green. Please check it out. She maintains the right to proceed if the pause safety is reported when she feels she needs to push boundaries. The more and more that I was able to think beyond my anxiety, the more I felt that taking a back seat (with some rare exception) fit who I am. Overall, my wife has final say, but I maintain control over my life when we are apart. 2 A safe gesture. Instruct him to have his paycheck paid into an account you and only you control. I certainly believe that we, as Women, need to be in control of our society at all levels. These women-led relationships work well with a strong more and a man who doesn't black being along for the ride. Make him feel like a slave even when he is clothed. In a wife led marriage, the wife often punishes and rewards her husband. Failure to accept complete remediation will make this agreement null and void. Most Female Led Relationships also involve aspects of BDSM, with the man serving the woman and obeying her orders. It is an ideal settlement in a marriage when the husband cooks and cleans together. Go to For awhile, I had to work through this feeling, since as responsible men, we are taught not to be this way. Read what happened. Its all about her; listen carefully to what she wants, what makes her happy and take action. The man goes to the office and then helps his wife with the dishes, cooking, and cleaning. The Gynarchy Governance event celebrates all that is Female led. Your belongings should not be visible to the naked eye. Viola Strepsata Voltairine opens her professional writing career with her tour de force, 150 Years of Gynarchy, an exploration of the intersection between FemDom and feminism. Im thinking Ill split up the background into 2 separate post. Basically, they do not want to think of sex as an important factor in a marriage and also want their husbands to stop thinking of physical intimacy. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. But often, in such marriages, the husband is seen tending to the kids all the time. Female Led Relationships are always better with communication, and that is one of the biggest problems in any relationship. To these and many other questions, you'll find the answers below. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); They want to feel fear of the woman they are with. Female led relationship dating fish - 91 Because i suggest ways you re dating. It is a way of living that embodies and . His safe word for stop is ___________________. Oops! Focus on her, listen carefully to what she says, watch her reactions, be aware of what is going on. Allowances also provide a certain amount of autonomy and privacy to the finances. But in a female-led marriage, this one is the golden rule. Choose 1 blanket, 1 pillow and 1 slave rug. Over 3-4 months, I had done some research, and stumbled across information on Wife/Female led relationships. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. Different Types of Female Led Relationships. I consider this to be things that could be deal breakers or relationship-enders. The Queendom will likely give certificates, maybe brands, to designate the level of training a slave has received. Female Led Relationships 5 Listings. An effective female-led relationship should hinge on respect. Some women have a deep-rooted desire to be a control-freak. In an FLR, the woman is in the more dominant role and the man is in the more submissive role. Your first chore is to remove all personal belongings from sight. But to be honest, I couldnt bring myself to do it (unless he would divorce me, of course). Proactively offer massages, fetch and carry for her, make her feel like a pampered Goddess. Shell make the best decision for the both of you. These should be broad ideas. So, I feel that a modified version that seemed more possible for us, one where sex is NOT involved in the process at all. Do you truly believe in supporting strong women? Second, some of the methods used to "train" a husband to truly follow directions, and let go of all control required the female to be very aggressive, rough, and consequence based, at least at first. Shes the manager, you are the subordinate. My FLR relationship with my husband is evolving. The woman may also choose to pursue her hobbies and interests without the man present. Kids are not only a wifes responsibility. js.src = "//forms.aweber.com/form/11/39234811.js"; var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Non performance remediation for the man is ________________________________________ and may also include ______________________________________ (add an attachment if needed). His safe word for pause is _______________________, His safe gesture for pause is ______________________. Are you the one people turn to in a crisis? Our focus is on art, education and community by and for Dominant Women and those who love us. Which man are, As your Mistress forms relationships with other women you should expect things to change. She runs a 24/7 D/s household with several submissives. If stop is used, and no injury reported this agreement is null and void. Most importantly get behind those who are actively and publicly promoting FLRs, such as, Visit www.artvamp.com/femdomfilm for more info about the book and movie, https://vimeo.com/556651961/e38812c20f?loop=0. Collectors get access to our on-line Cathexis House community server, and priority access (presale list) to the following collections:Phase 2: The Renee Lane Collection - (see project description for details) to fund the feature length movie Finding Love, written by Renee Lane, with screenplay by Guinevere Turner (American Psycho, The L Word, The Notorious Bettie Page). More about the movie here.Phase 3: The Company Keys - a collection of keys which allow collectors to find real hidden treasures locked at specific latitudes and longitudes around the planet (from Australia to Netherlands to the U.S.), and gain access to The Company - a worldwide society of Dominant Women and pre-vetted submissives. Possession of these keys will allow collectors access to events at the Temple of the Dark Goddess (IRL at the East Coast farm), at Cathexis House in Colorado, as well as virtual event on our private server and in the metaverseStep 4: Gynarchy Metaverse - Exclusive access for all NFT holders to the virtual Cathexis Cinema within the Queendom Metaverse (https://www.queendom.io/). We are developing a space within the metaverse to celebrate women in film and to meet our community for special events and gatherings. Most often these agreements are made in exclusive relationships or a relationship where two people are moving in with each other. Even if their current partners are good, they hold a tendency to control them. There is a worldwide feminist and female empowerment revolution sweeping the world that started in North America. Now that he has started on shifting all financial control to you, you can start to treat him as a slave in earnest by instilling obedience and changing habits is usually done by a combination of rewards and punishment. They crave rejection. Fax 1-. We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. We are an organization dedicated to female led relationships, female led communities and female led projects of all kinds. Usually the woman is in a position of authority and she tells the man what to do. Put aside chauvinistic stereotypes and do more than your partner, do it gladly and make her happy. Your submission has been received! This will bring you both closer together. If he loves me he will naturally do what I want. It is surprising to think about how the world has changed today and women have evolved to such extents that there are marriages where wives dominance is greater than the husbands. For men who acknowledge female leadership and the benefits of a female led relationship, here are five ways to serve her to make her life easier and more enjoyable. Histats.track_hits();} catch(err){}; Loving Female Led Relationships Are Not A Kink or Fetish for Submissive Men, Ladies in England Dont Understand a Female Led Relationship. Low Control. Agreements are only as good as the people who make them and their ability to enforce the non performance clause with remediation. Now that he has started on shifting all financial control to you, you can start to treat him as a slave in earnest by instilling obedience and changing habits is usually done by a combination of rewards and punishment. I also will avoid many situations that come on short notice. We further agree that at points of stress _____ (she, he any) may call for a meeting to read and make adjustments. It was early July, and we were on our way home after a botched date night. The husband meekly agrees to not getting breakfast for a week or having to sleep on the couch for a week if he has displeased her in some way. Dont worry. She meets them and calls them over to stay whenever she feels like. Look to continually improve, be a gentleman. However, respect goes both ways. Set aside your kinks and selfish fantasies in favour of her absolute satisfaction. The first finished scene from Finding Love the first FemDom movie ever created for a mainstream audience, has just been released. Love & Obey couples don't fight because the husband is obedient. Ms. Renees intense and radical approach to their relationship will challenge those who merely dabble in BDSM. We as people are most hopeful and often disappointed. Already an accomplished filmmaker, she has participated in many illicit occupations to support her artistic habits, from being the program director of the Z Film Festival and festival director of the 72 Hour Feature Project in Chicago to running a commercial BDSM studio/art space and later becoming a kink educator for in-person and on-line workshops.Voltairine founded the production company Artvamp Films in 2000, and has since produced a number of award-winning feature films. These #1International Amazon Bestsellers are Changing Lives Globally! She has her own hobbies and interests. The possibilities are endless. Be present. A Female Led Relationship is a committed, loving union in which the woman's happiness, satisfaction and progress are the primary focus in the relationship. ). It's when the traditional gender roles in a relationship are switched. This type of relationship can be beneficial for both partners if it is what they are looking for. How Do We Separate Loving FLR from the BDSM Community. This is important to avoid financial abuse or friction. 4. In order to establish a truthful intimate and fulfilling relationship between yourself and someone you care about, you must negotiate a mutual gain in the important issues of your life.. These are the only spaces you will ever occupy unless you are doing chores. After trying hard for many years to fit into the old Patriarchal style of family life, our founder Debbie (aka QueenBee) realized that she wasn't being true to her own skills and strengths in managing her home and family. We agree to the following escape clause in the event that he cannot perform: 1. It means actively dealing with issues and expressing feelings in a healthy way. Wives need to give some space to their husbands as well. Then make it required reading for one of the men in your life. It is natural for a wife to sometimes go over the top. Share your ideas for love, life, and family! Learn More! 1 11 Advantages Of A Female Led Relationship 1.1 1. At first, I thought I would NOT benefit, because I would be giving up some control and scaling back my authority. NEWBIE EGO BROKEN: WHAT WAS YOUR LIGHTBULB MOMENT. Theyll be gentle with you. It is productive to depend on the other partner where his/her strengths can compensate for weaknesses. Major decisions or changes should not be made without her approval, let her take the lead and respect her decisions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Female lead relationships improve the quality of emotional harmony. She makes all the decisions when it comes to the relationship dynamic. When someone is intensely interested, they can be very obnoxious, even to the point they look at themselves and see it. For a mainstream audience, has just been released to take control the. I just want to feel fear of the woman they are looking for privacy practices, visit... 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