how do you think ludendorff made such an accurate prediction

His parents were middle-class but strongly nationalist. In this way, he also sought to avoid his own responsibility for the defeat. In my final analysis on Ludendorff, notes David Zabecki, the foremost historian of Germanys 1918 offensives, I have to conclude that in many ways he was a reflection of the German army as a whole in the first half of the 20th century: tactically gifted, operationally flawed and strategically bankrupt.. If you devide that range equally the range between 100-87.5% would mean very good, 87.5-75% would mean good, 75-62.5% would mean satisfactory, and 62.5-50% bad. If youd like to make quick progress improving the accuracy of your predictions, practice using the Calibrate Your Judgment web app! How do you think Ludendorff made such an accurate prediction? Answer Disguising himself in a false beard, Ludendorff fled to Sweden to write his extraordinarily dishonest memoirs. Making a strong prediction requires a clear understanding of the text and brainstorming e.g. This problem has been solved! Although future events are necessarily uncertain, so guaranteed accurate information about the future is impossible. You can now try the Calibrate Your Judgment tool on by clicking here! We could stand that, but the question how this, and the progressive falling off of our fighting power of which it was symptomatic, was to be prevented was of immense importance. Ludendorff, along with Hindenburg, was responsible for the decisive defeat of Russian forces and for the creation of a vast state of German military occupation in Eastern Europe during World War I. Ludendorff was pivotal in the creation and diffusion of the fictitious Stab-in-the-Back myth, which blamed Jews, liberals, communists, democrats, and war profiteers for the defeat of Germany in World War I. Ludendorff was an early supporter of the Nazi Party and participated directly in Hitlers Beer Hall Putsch. Out of 100 patients, lets say the model predicted 95 to be screened and the rest not to be screened. His response: "You'll not go to a video store but instead order a movie on demand and then pay for it. From the chiefs of staff he visited, Ludendorff demanded complete and accurate briefings rather than favorable report[s] made to order. Based on a thorough lessons-learned analysis, he then fundamentally recast the German armys defensive philosophy. As the fighting reached its climax in early June, Russia launched a major offensive against Austria, which promptly collapsed. So Moltke brought in Ludendorff, brilliant and already a war hero, to be Hindenburgs chief of staff. Weather forecasting is often considered the gold standard of prediction, because meteorologists receive so much corrective feedback, enabling them to constantly rework their algorithms. Towards the end of The Weather Man Nicolas Cage's character tries to make this point about weather forecasts exclaiming: "But I don't predict the weather. When dealing with the accuracy of a prediction one must understand that not all prophecy will be fulfilled exactly as it is given. 95% of patients do not need to be screened for cancer. Think hard about how confident you are that the date really falls within that range, keeping in mind that people usually give ranges that are too narrow. If your predictive model performs much better than your guesstimates, you know it's worth moving forward with that model. The Calibrate Your Judgement tool helps you practice on simpler situations where the answer is already known, providing you with immediate feedback to help you improve. The Frenchman, who has accurately predicted some major world events during the 16th century, believed that the current conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a "great war". One such organization that has to make many challenging decisions in an uncertain world is the Open Philanthropy Project, whose mission is to use research and grantmaking to improve lives as effectively as possible. Incorporate workflows inside the application so your users can act based on these insights. They can look at computer models, which are constantly being honed. Hello,I am trying to check whether there is a positive or negative relationship between two variables. 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What is particularly impressive about these changes is that they were put into practice within two months of their inception. Ludendorff had been responsible for fine-tuning the Schlieffen Plan and as a consequence of this, he was responsible for attacking a series of forts at Liege in Belgium and capturing them. If your predictive model performs much better than your guesstimates, you know its worth moving forward with that model. The Russian First Army had stopped at Gumbinnen, while the Second Army rapidly advanced north. _American Responses to Nazism Webquest.pdf, History Brief Mussolini Gains Power Video Clip Questions-1.docx, Holocost history Unit 1 critca thinking questions.docx, Facts P train inspector pulled up in unmarked care and did not hang blue flag on, NHS-FPX6004_BaneJessica_Assessment2-2.docx, Which of the following housing firms received a loan worth 60 million by the, 13 What are some of the consequences name 3 that occur when we place a price, targeted use of internal union corruption and lack of democratic process C, An overall risk of malnutrition of 2 or higher signifies a Low risk of, catalogmainphpcatid infophpsecao subphpb subphpsec shopexdasp intextaccpet, That wasnt enough to make me feel sorry for her though even if her father was, On the labour front a rise in absenteeism in the EPZ which reached a little over, In particular we see that if V is a vector space of finite dimension over a, MARKETING PLAN OF RAMLY FOOD PROCESSING SDN BHD.pdf, Liquid 1388 Mucinex Multi Symptom Cold Fever Liquid for Children 1388 Mucinex, The Responsibility to be Historically Informed Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed. For example, customer feedback is the buyers reaction to a companys products, services, or policies; and employee performance feedback is the employees reaction to feedback from their manager the exchange of information involves both performance expected and performance exhibited. In other fields, it can be harder to get feedback. We also recommend checking out AI Impacts excellent blog post on this topic and Philip Tetlock's book. For example, the most recent meta-analyses of mental disorder diagnosis show that statistical prediction has an accuracy advantage over clinical intuition in identifying disorders. For patients who DID need to be screened, the model got 2 out of 6 right (accuracy of 33%). Then compare the two answers with the actual outcome to determine the level of accuracy for each. By now the balance was shifting drastically against the Germans. What happens to atoms during chemical reaction? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The name Ludendorff could also be a parody of the city of Bismarck. A) Identify one new state that emerged in Europe in the period before 1939.B)Explain a development i, Read the following article and write a Reaction Paper-One paragraph summary and One paragraph opinio, Analyze the events leading to the Texas Revolution and its outcome and discuss whether the Texians w. Explain the consequences the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo had on our local community. How can teachers help their students make predictions? Then you can adjust this frequency based on information you have about tonight's dinner that you think may make your friend more or less likely than usual to cancel. Although he later broke with the Nazis, the damage had already been done: Ludendorff had provided an unknown street agitator with considerable political legitimacy. The. But thereafter the weight of British artillery coupled with unimaginative German tactics, which demanded that soldiers hold every foot of ground, led to equally heavy casualties among the Germanslosses they could ill afford. On December 1, the German army published The Principles of Command in the Defensive Battle in Position Warfare. We deliver excellent assignment help to customers from the USA, UK, Canada, and worldwide. The prediction accuracy of solving the regression tasks in the case of processing short data sets is an important task in various fields of medicine. Watkins did not, of course, use the word "digital" or spell out precisely how digital cameras and computers would work, but . Regardless, having conquered the eastern territories demanded by earlier German concepts of imperialism, Ludendorff was crushed when these areas were lost in the treatyat wars end. 10 predictions that Watkins got right. For the rest we shall see. Nancy Kim, associate professor of psychology at Northeastern, studies conceptual thinking, reasoning, and decision-making. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Which is the best example of customer feedback? However, they need to be checked by the moderator before being published. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. On January 9, 1917, Bethmann, Ludendorff, and Hindenburg met at Pless Castle in Silesia (now Pszczyna, Poland) to discuss the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare against all merchant shipping, neutral as well as belligerent. Worse followed. On the other hand, your model was 75% accurate. 3. They can also help students successfully make predictions about informational text by ensuring that students have sufficient background knowledge before beginning to read the text. As World War I became increasingly desperate for the Germans, Ludendorff planned a last massive offensive in 1918. They can also help students successfully make predictions about informational text by ensuring that students have sufficient background knowledge before beginning to read the text. With imbalanced data like this, we need to look at potential fixes. Add more data. During Operation Alberich, named for the vicious dwarf of the Nibelungen saga, the withdrawing Germans completely destroyed more than 1,000 square miles of French territory. The continuous heavy fighting was exhausting Ludendorffs men: Companies were down to less than 30 men, regiments to barely 100. If the meteorologist is accurate, it should have in fact rained 30% of those times. But what can you do if you have limited information about the future? Critically think about what they are reading. Nobody is perfectly calibrated; in fact, most of us are overconfident. The Short Answer: A seven-day forecast can accurately predict the weather about 80 percent of the time and a five-day forecast can accurately predict the weather approximately 90 percent of the time. In July 1917 he forced out Bethmann Hollweg and persuaded Kaiser Wilhelm to replace the chancellor with a cipher, Georg Michaelis. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Choose texts they believe will interest them or that are appropriate for whatever their purpose is for reading. He and future German President Paul von Hindenburg built a military empire in the east that lasted until the Germanys defeat in 1918. Every day each of us makes judgments about the future in the face of uncertainty. Seek out the best upcoming football matches. Figure out how to solve common challenges of predictive analytics, including how to identify the right problem to focus on and how to distribute the information to the right people. When the model says a patient need not be screened, its right 91 out of 95 times (accuracy of 95.8%). Feature selection is almost the inverse of #2 above, and pulls your model in the opposite direction (decreasing variance on the expense of some bias) but the trade-off can be good if you do the . These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Master the product-led strategies that help the worlds top companies win. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Your gut says Machines W, X, Y, and Z will fail. If you want to learn more about forecasting, 80,000 Hours recently interviewed Philip Tetlock on their podcast, which you can check out here. The Calibrate Your Judgment web app is perfect for this, but you can also try it by making predictions about what will happen in your life or the world over the next year. Having more data is always a good idea. Ludendorff was assigned as deputy chief of staff to the Second Army under General Karl von Blow and charged with seizing Liges key fortresses, a move that would enable the German right to strike deep into Belgium, then sweep south to encircle the French army. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The aim of the web app is to help you become well-calibrated. This means that when you say youre 50% confident, youre right about 50% of the time; when you say you're 90% confident, you're right about 90% of the time; and so on. It means I would trust the model more when it says someone need not be screened, but be far more skeptical when it says someone does need to be screened. Ludendorff was born on April 9, 1865, in the town of Kruszewnia, near Posen, Prussia. Erich Ludendorff was born in 1865 in East Prussia (now part of Poland) into a formerly aristocratic family who had fallen onto hard times. When you want to make a prediction, try not to use words like "inevitable," "probably," "impossible," or "maybe." Instead, approach the claim with a range and a probability. Learn the importance of making predictions,. Maybe the second version includes new data and you tweak the model to get 78% accuracy. Estimate the correlation between reading precocity during childhood and GPA. Following our sparrow example, you could predict that, "If sparrows . Every small success will give your organization significant boosts in competitive differentiation and revenue drivers. This may sound foolish, but it's not necessarily a bad practice. The selection of a method depends on many factorsthe context of the forecast, the relevance and availability of historical data, the degree of accuracy desirable, the time period to be forecast . His initial target was his staff. However, when talking about accuracy, its important to compare the accuracy that your model provides in comparison to what you do now without the model. So this conversation is about why some people, like Tetlock's "superforecasters," are so much better at predicting the future than everyone else and about the intellectual virtues . There are several companies dedicated to offering this as a service like ibisworld, pwc, and statista, to name a few. As General Karl von Einem, commander of the Third Army, described the footage: We saw factories fly into the air, rows of houses fall over, bridges break in twoit was awful, an orgy of dynamite. What are some of the keys to making accurate predictions? In that case, you should take this model live. Thus, to a large extent, Germanys military leadership escaped responsibility for the catastrophic defeat of the German army on the Western Front. Cavalry units screened Rennenkampfs First Army, which remained stationary despite having an open road to Knigsberg. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The offensive failed , leaving Germany exposed to an Allied invasion. By now artillery was the great killer on the Western Front, so Ludendorff concentrated German reserves and defensive positions in rear areas, out of range of all but the heaviest Allied guns. Nevertheless, the confrontation proved one of Ludendorffs finest hours, as the Ninth Army bought the Austrians enough time to recover and patch together a front. A series of major defeats threatened to knock Germanys main ally, Austria-Hungary, out of the conflict. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". During a picture walk, students are able to activate their prior knowledge and connect the visual images in the story to their own personal experiences. Many companies make decisions based primarily on gut feeling. (2013, September 29). The term feedback is used to describe the helpful information or criticism about prior action or behavior from an individual, communicated to another individual (or a group) who can use that information to adjust and improve current and future actions and behaviors. That battle bled the French white, but it also exhausted the Germans. To compare apple to apples, use both your gut and your predictive model to answer the same question. Washington, DC 20024-2126 There is no directly relevant data. He excelled at cadet school and after graduation entered the army as an infantry officer. The model predicted 93 out of 100 patients correctly. Ludendorff was among the many who portrayed Germanys new civilian government as responsible for Germanys defeat. On Feb. 1, 1917, the Germans unleashed their U-boats, and in April the United States declared war. If youre uncertain about the truth of a claim, instead of just labelling it either true or false, assign it a probability. Here again, Ludendorff threw his weight behind the navys arguments by insisting the United States was incapable of fielding an effective army, much less deploying it to Europe to fight on the Western Front. How do you teach making predictions? To make matters worse, General Maximilian the Fat Soldier von Prittwitz had panicked and recommended that his Eighth Army abandon East Prussia and retire to Pomerania. Digital colour photography. Your physics assignments can be a real challenge, and the due date can be really close feel free to use our assistance and get the desired result. Receive new tools and articles in your inbox, 2018 - created by Spark Wave. Ludendorffs postwar career was no more propitious for German history. Chief of the General Staff Helmuth von Moltke promptly fired Prittwitz, replacing him with retired General Paul von Hindenburg. This new doctrine rested on the concept of holding frontline positions lightly with machine gunners, with successively stronger defensive positions echeloned in depth. Only the desperate intervention of Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg persuaded Kaiser Wilhelm to halt the campaign. Pendo trademarks, product names, logos and other marks and designs are trademarks of, Inc. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without permission. In the realms of operations, strategy and politics, Ludendorffs baleful influence wreaked havoc on Germany over the course of the war, while the seeds he planted would eventually support the rise of Adolf Hitler and an even more disastrous German defeat. The correct interpretation of "30% chance of rain" is this: Take all the days the meteorologist predicted 30%. When it came to patients who did NOT need to be screened, the model got 91 out of 94 right (accuracy of 96.8 %). One of the easiest ways to consider alternatives is to ask yourself, what are some reasons my judgment might be wrong? Tetlock calls this dragonfly eye perspective - valuing diverse views and combining them with your own perspective. A lot of predictions are made by Nostradamus but I will be discussing about the most. But its historically spotty predictionslast year, for example, the guide wrongly predicted heavy snow for the Mid-Atlantic regioncall into question the very value of prognostication itself. How visitors interact with the website, anonymously believe will interest them or that are found within the text or! Patients who DID need to be checked by the moderator before being published what is particularly impressive about these is. Frontline positions lightly with machine gunners, with successively stronger defensive positions echeloned in depth he future... 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