if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

4. How about some food for pet programs and maybe some vets who would give reduced prices so that people who really could enjoy the companionship, could have a pet. Yes and no. Then I think again, behavior issues etc I work rescue, 24/7 for nearly 20 years. If a person abandons an animal whether through no fault of their own or because they dont care it still shows they are unable to care for another pet. Thats the chickens way out and those types of individuals should not be allowed to adopt again because they will do the same thing again. People marry and divorce, but can marry again. It is cruel and unjust what these people are doing and what if they were the pet and their owner did what they are doing and taking them to their death. Adopting a fur baby is a life long commitment and one should really think about this seriously. Never, never!!! Life happened I lost my job and had to move out of my apartment. That means you own the dog, and it's your decision whether you want to return them to a previous owner or now. Never ever! They dont deserve an animal if they cant love them, respect them, and treat them as part of the family. She is an inside-only dog, because my personal opinion is that pets should not be allowed to run free, ever. Ive turned over a litter of kittens that were wondering around the neighborhood. It was sad but I did whats right. He/She does one thing and they are ready to get rid of. We do not have a vet clinic on site and cannot provide . You may also call 512-268-1611 and someone will return your call within 24 hours.***. Not the fault of my son, so why should he be blocked from trying to adopt again. So what do we dobuy from a breeder. Ban all those who surrender a pet from adopting again so it doesnt happen to more animals. . Maybe under extreme circumstances they lose their job and have children to feed. I do agree that there should be a national registry. If theyre a repeat surrendererthen no. So I guess there needs to a database to track why people are surrendering the animals in the first place. If they surrender a pet their names should go on a do not adopt registry permantly. If they did it once, they will do it again. I live on a farm a deal with a dozen cats and 2 to 3 dogs a year. only one chance at a lifetime with the pet! This is an easy NO for most and a maybe for a couple situations. We need to update our laws and policies to reflect our evolving understanding of our relationship with animals. However this should be utilized to ONLY list the abusers (and I include those that surrender their dogs because he sheds and other such nonsense reasons. Yes, most people in these situations would likely at least try non-kill shelter options first but, what if they cant find a solution that way. To begin the surrender process, please complete the intake questionnaire at the bottom of the page. Think Adoption First! Anyone who gives up a loving pet has no business having another pet. The cat however was totally, 101% terrified of the dog (who was about the same size as the cat). Giving a dog up to a kill shelter is a different story, we are not all the same. All these are reasons I have heard from people trying to re-home a pet. Look back at the paperwork you have on them or call the shelter to ask. Yes if they surrender a pet to a kill shelter they should never be allowed to adopt another pet. I would love to see a national DO NOT ADOPT TO registry! That person just proved they are heartless and have no problem killing a living creature. These are the types of incentives that people need in order to adopt and remain committed. But then I got to thinking: things change. Even if the circumstances of the person have changed, you dump your dog at a kill shelter. Some people should definitely be allowed to adopt again, but others should not. Maybe Im a bit opinionated, but if we allow people to just dump : their animals at the shelter, they will do it again, as they obviously do not consider animals part of the family and I dont think there are too many people who would dump their children just anywhere, they would want to protect them, keep them save. What if the persons spouse is abusing the animal and they are taking it to the shelter to keep it safe? Many, many shelters these days have rescue and foster programs to give them more time to find homes for the dogs. What we need is people and this is something the kids can do and just bring the parents when it is authority time. Period. No.must sign a paper stating they will keep the dogits a trust comittmentdo not go back on your word. One of my cats is super jealous and territorial and apparently hates kids (which were in the process of making more), were trying EVERYTHING, so if it doesnt work, I should be punished because I wasnt a good fit for this animal? I checked the site today and found that hes on the adoption registry finally. Photo: elianerei. I have also adopted 9 cats & I still have them all. Please consider the following before surrendering your pet. I guess in that vain of thought. Then I feel those folks should not be allowed to adopt again. I think that the people who are selling or adopting the pet out have a responsibility to make sure the adopter is informed,financially equipped and ready for the responsibility. But keeping a list might be difficiult. If someone returned an animal once, then maybe a small red flag, and the interview/screening process should be more difficult for that individual, but if someone has 3+ cases of returning animals, then no. In those cases, they should not be allowed to adopt again. If they could afford dental care periodically they would keep a significant number that are now relinquished. When dogs and cats are valued more, not just a throw away thing, then the horrible turn over rate will decline. If anyone can nonchalantly leave a family pet to die in a kill shelter, then a public list to identify them so that rescue groups, breeders and other shelters will know that this is NOT a person that should have another dog. But I have seen parents give up their kids because they cant afford them anymore but yet they keep having kids. Many animals are there. What about the kill shelters that KILL them??!! I have even made arrangements with family that if something should happen to us, they will take her in for the rest of her days. I made arrangements for him to bring her to a no-kill shelter the next day. You can surrender your dog by taking him to an animal shelter or rescue organization. Although I am aware of the shortage of homes for shelter dogs, they are better off never having a family than to have one to discard them. There are about 80 board-certified veterinary behaviorists around the country, as well as knowledgeable certified applied animal behaviorists . This shouldnt mean I cant adopt now. An unexpected life eventsuch as illness, death or unplanned movemay make caring for a pet seem impossible. cats)! That, to me, is the only reason to give up your dog. NO! He became aggressive for no apparent reason. I do know that a very small number of people cannot keep their dogs BUT they are the minority. I am in no way supportive of allowing a person who adopted a puppy because it was all cuddly and cute, then surrendered the pet because it grew into a dog, to adopt another one. The dachshund got lucky, we found a foster that day and he became a foster failure. A girlfriend doesnt like it, a move, the apartment doesnt allow dogs, getting married, having a baby, cant afford yearly vet care, cant afford to feed it, its too big, never spayed so now there is a litter, behavioral issues because the puppy was never trained or fixed, the dog has a medical condition, the dog is old, its taking too much time or no time to give. Ive adopted many of the most unadoptable pets to provide them the love and attention they should have received all along! He never bit anyone, but that kind of thing scares people, and rightfully so. Shameful and sad. People with good reason can find a no kill shelter a rescue organization or a family member. If the surrender is because of change of circumstances, like moving to where the landlord wont allow dogs in their rental, yes, but what should be required is a letter from the landlord concerned stating no pets allowed, etc., or if people move from one country to another for work & cant take their pets, that again can be provable, but not repeat offenders. Stop trying to act like you can fully predict what is going to happen in a month or so after getting a pet. I think there should be a law against it. People who surrender their pets to a kill shelter should be blacklisted! I used to delivery papers in early morning hours and I have found cats & dogs on the side of the road. So far this month, they have killed 53 dogs till yesterday. No, there should 100% be exceptions for a ban. Then theres our foster dog, 12 years, Fully blind left on a busy street corner when someone picked her up and took her to the local NO KILL shelter. These people that surrender dogs and cats to be killed have no heart , there is just a black mussel that is pumping bad blood there. I managed to make it happen, but it was HARD, and I was not sure Id be able to pull it off either time. My dog is 13. Ot isnt black and white. But the destruction didnt stop. DCHS provides a variety of services for our community. We currently have 2 girls who are 7 yrs old and they will be with us till the day they pass away. I had to surrender my do and it hurt like hell. Animal Surrender People get cute little puppies, dont research the breed and they want to get rid of them when the dog gets too big. For people who cannot afford vet care for elderly pets, there needs to be some helpalthough if I were in that situation, I would have my friend put down while I held them and loved them, rather than leaving them to die in a pound with strangers. My husband and I have had cats for the last 30 yrs or so. I completely agree. We have 8 animals right now, they are all rescues or products of rescues. Of that number 37,178 were strays with only 23,678 being returned to owners. To make an appointment please call 716-875-7360 ext. There are serial dumpers love them as puppies then not after they grow, people are cruel and should not be allowed to do this! But, barring some extreme (temporary) hardship that prompted the surrender in the first place, they should go on a list so that future shelters can consider if they wish to let them adopt again. As she stomped away the damn dog jumped up and bit her face by her eye. he attacked my neighbors child, snapped at my baby & killed my cats kitten., to If they would take a responsible owner class,be inspected,and show financial security. Yes, there are horrible people who dump their dogs for horrible reasons. No never if you caused the death of one of your pets by putting them in a kill shelter you shouldnt be allowed another one. Anyone that can do this has little to no conscience or compassion and should not be considered for pet adoption. There are people there that even drop their dogs off for vacations rather than paying a dog sitter or boarding and just hope the dogs will be there when they get back and if not they adopt a new one. They could at least research and locate a No Kill Shelter for their pet. I mean Duh!, OF COURSE they should be (officially) denied to ever adopt another animal again, have their names blacklisted with every shelter nation-wide (and preferably be put on record -for life- on a [heartfelled wished] on-line register for animal abusers, just the same as with pedophile offenders, and/or rapists! We are not looking to adopt any time soon, but because I took him to a shelter (to find out he was not a boxer mix, but a pit mix) explaining he is overall a great dog, just not for our home, I should never be able to adopt when my kids get a bit older? I must say that I have come to love all animals better than most humans. In those six years, she bit all my neighbors who came in my house or near it, she ruined anything in her path and started peeing in the house. If you have ANY DOUBTS about surrendering your pet (s) to us, PLEASE DO NOT DO SO!. You can remarry if you get the marriage annulledBut anyway, you are comparing apples to oranges. I think it should be made that they cant adopt any more pets for a certain amount of years, like 5. Pets are family, and family is furever!!!! I hope to one day adopt another dog from a shelter or rescue. no, they shouldnt be alowed to adopt again!!! Different circumstances have been listed above and warrant different responses that are FAIR. I just couldnt trust him after that. I had a pit bull and I loved her and cared for her. I will live in a tent or under a bridge before I would ever part with my fur childrenand they would be right there with me. This probably would of gone a different way. In changing their lives, my life has been enriched dramatically. Appointment-based pet intake is beneficial for the pet and for the community. The shelter had told us she was good with dogs and would probably be fine with cats, but this was not the case. I didn't ask for money or anything. Founder: Harlan Kilstein. Adoption processing stops a half-hour before closing. Otherwise youre trying to remove a spec from someones eye without removing the plank from your own first. Even people who are convicted of killing another human being often get another chance in society, and someone who, for whatever reason, brings an animal to a shelter should not have a stricter lifetime future. Adoptions are on the rise too as its now becoming more and more cool to adopt a rescued dog rather than buying an unhealthy, inbred dog from a backyard breeder/puppy mill. You have to get all the details before judging. It is just too easy as the shelters cannot refuse to take a pet. They may regret what they did once they learn more. I had an answer, but then thought a little more about this; if the person did not drop the animal at the shelter would they otherwise try to dispose of the animal like garbage, or worse? 5. And the reported misdemeanours of your always spoiled & loved dog (although you actually referred to him more often as a dog instead of my dog: smells like a Freudian slip, interesting too) simultaneously went from I was forced to take Remi and her kittens to the Animal Protective Association. Someone out there knows a vet who is not in business just for the money. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances beyond anyones control. I still had photos of her cats on my phonebut she didnt. Call the no kill shelters. Even when you are grouchy!!! Of course they should not be allowed to adopt again. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. They should never be allowed to own a pet again. For the time that there previous pet would have lived. No, they should not be able to adopt again. My dog was fine with the idea of a cat joining the family. Those that surrender their animals should be on a separate registry. PetSmart Charities also encourages people to consider adopting pets with special needs, like sweet . I dont think they should ever be allowed to adopt or own a dog again. Some people have no choice. But some people should not be allowed to adopt again like if they just dont want it anymore, say its too old (without very expensive medical conditions), or like one guy I saw at my local shelter, didnt want that particular gender. I believe that if an individual surrenders a pet to a kill shelter they should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. Shelters yes, are serving a purpose, but humans need to use their brains. It broke my heart and I think of him every day. Do you know that owner surrenderer dogs are the ones that shelter kill first? Do I like that people take their pets to shelters? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Even when we found out I was pregnant and we knew it would be a struggle financially, we couldnt imagine giving him up to a shelter or friend/family. Absolutely not. I have three dogs and they are my family. I suppose it really depends on the circumstances. All of my dogs came from shelters and I cant imagine life without them. By Appointment Only Surrender appointments are available Monday through Saturday from 12-4PM. Absolutely NOT!!!!! There should be a National Registry for these poor animals. You see, she was a senior, and no one wanted an older dog. I ended up moving to a 55 and above community in Delaware and of course because of him being a pit people judged him he was known as the killer dog which pissed me off then to make matters worse he broke loose and attacked a dog in that neighborhood so I tried like hell to keep this dog he was a sweetheart.But cops were called again and I was not going to let anybody take him from me and put him down. It depends on the reason they had to surrender the animal. Do you really think the shelter operated on your dog and made that pet available for adoption? There you can see the Super Urgent, the urgent dogs, the folders with the dogs killed or saved by day and month. Absolutely not! When you look into a dogs eyes as their human is driving away, you lose faith in humanity. Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. If you cant take the time to find a good home and know that will be put down. Just like TSA has a no fly list. Depends on circumstances. I have a small senior dog who came to me via a rescue group. If a person cannot provide all of these requirements, they need to find a safe place that will. Many of them dont even know about all the other options, because theyre afraid they will be condemned by the public if they ask. I think it depends on the circumstances. I am so grateful to the God and vet. Its hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. I had to give my dog back after she was hit by a car and required surgery I simply couldnt afford. A dog is for the life of your dog. He was only 2 years old; he has such a long happy life ahead of him. Not every animal can be molded to fit into every family! I consider pets family. Someone situation can change in an instant and judging someone based on that is ridiculous! While . Maybe education is a better answer requiring folks to attend a 2 or 4 hour course or something before adopting. This however is unrealistic. I think if the people make every effort to put it into a new home or rescue, and take it to a no kill shelter as a last resort, there should be considerations made. Adopting an animal is not a temporary thing but a lifetime commitment. Monday morning, I got the call, Dakotas legs have given out. As compassionate rescuers and animal-loving people, it's important not shame people for surrendering their pets. Every night, he had tears in his eyes, and I didnt know why. I am as bleeding heart as it gets and Im right there with you. I wanted to find the dog a new home myself, but our contract with the shelter specified that we had to return her if we couldnt keep her ourselves. I rushed there to get my dog, having been in a meeting for work 45 minutes away, having begged my husband who worked nearby to do and him refusing because it wasnt his job anymore. I called the humane society and asked them to hold off, they said they couldnt. So while I understand the negative reactions to a lot of the silly reasons people surrender their pets I'm cautious to lump everyone whose done so together. Your information should be on file somewhere. If youre losing your home, lose your job, your infant has life threatening allergies, you become too ill or injured (with months/years of rehab with no one else to care for your pet) to physically be able to care for your petbelieve it or not, there ARE heart wrenching reasons that cause this to happen. love is all thay want from us and we turn our backs on them so thay should not have the right to do another furbaby the same way !!! not in a million years would like to put them in a kill shelter world would be a better place without them. Search all Pets Animal Licenses License tags identify guardians of lost animals. How do you know theyll do it again? In fact when we adopt on all papers that we sign it should read 10 years?) I tried everything Craigslist, adoption sites, flyers, you name it. Its not acceptable for more than 1/2 the reasons these poor innocents are dumped for. PERIOD!!!!!!!! NeverI help with rescue everyday I see so many animals in shelters..I rescued my corgi he is with me for life.. No. The dog (or cat) is a part of your family unit he/she will grow older just like you will yourself and may need extra veterinary care or mobility aids. The dog is GOD spelled backwards.the dog is the most trusting innocent living breathing animal.as are all animals that depend on us for love and care! I would hate to see anyone not have the love of an animal in their life. Those are the idiots who should not be allowed to adopt ever again, and whoevers managing that shelter needs to go for allowing such a practice. These babies are forever, not just until something in yoiur life changes!!! Pet Surrender Resources to Consider Before Surrender* We understand how difficult it is to make the decision to surrender your pet. as part of the process in order to adopt, and make that available to ALL rescues, shelters and Veterinarians. Just so sad. I think that yes there should be some regulation, and a big roster with all the info; when, why, who, and maybe even the emotional state of the owners at the time of giving up the animal. I have pet insurance but I have still had many expenses for her not covered or falling within the excess of the policy. There seems to be no easy answer, for me, whether they should be allowed to adopt again. As your word is your honor! I still think about those poor cats, but Im proof that people can change, and children can learn to do better than their parents. I think there are definitely situations that cant be helped; medical crisis, job loss, or eviction from homebut I would like the owners to try to do their part at finding a safe loving home for their pet/rehoming versus dumping at a kill shelter. There are plenty of valid circumstances for surrendering a pet. It was not easy. We are not required to notify you of any development regarding health or status. So that owner surrenders the dog to be put down. No they should not be able to adopt again. This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.. There is a $50 fee for relinquishing a pet. Adoption is serious and responsible people only should be pet owners! I live in a 4 season state and there were cases of animals that were dumped in rural areas and left to freeze to death, think that would be much worse than turning a dog in if the owner was not going to keep the dog either way. A tetanus shot and a round of antibiotics later, the shelter laid it on reaaaaal thick, made me feel worse than I already did and handled it extremely poorly in general. , she was hit by a car and required surgery i simply couldnt.. Up and bit her face by her eye learn more getting a pet names! It let me pick it up circumstances of the person have changed, you lose faith in humanity attention. 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