lds emotional resilience videos

I'm having a hard time making friends.". If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. Press the gear symbol and a small menu box will appear. Trying to just avoid all feelings, I think is not super helpful, because number one, you can't. I think that's what we need to understand as human beings, we need to know who we are, we're back to the beginning of our discussion about identity, we are children of our heavenly Father, and He loves us, and we have 100% immense potential, and he's gonna help us reach that we don't have to do it on our own, we were never expected to do it on our own. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Scriptures General Conference Come, Follow Me Gospel Library Media Library Music Library Life Help Inspiration. Thank you very, very much. I have been significantly impacted for the better from this course and have been able to apply many of these principles in various circumstances in my life., The program taught me so much about myself, how to process my emotions in healthy ways, and how to create intentional habits that lead to better wellness, said Alyssa Free, a young adult from Holladay, Utah. Because if I take this from you, then I have to erase this line, and you're not going to achieve this thing.". Okay, David, I have one last question for you before we get to our all in question. I did Washington Seminar through BYU when I was in school and so I was interning in Washington, DC. And that's what you tried to get every single day, was "How do I get this?" The manual and its companion course aim to help participants build spiritual and practical skills to help them better care for their body, mind, emotions, and relationships. And then that was a great moment, but that wasn't the important moment, the important moment was the 10 years prior to that, that I spent learning and studying, and gaining knowledge that would prepare me for my career. Participants are encouraged to reach out to their local Church leaders to find out when groups are meeting in their areas. A family smiles for a portrait in Ghana. I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this. Lori Harding, Welfare and Self-Reliance Services Manager. I've dealt with so many people over the course of my career, and even people with very, very significant mental health issues like schizophrenia, where you know, people that are actively hallucinating and actively delusionalthere's always something you can do. So I wondered, why would you say that in confronting these challenges, tenacity is so important? unless you can have parades in the rain, right? That's where we came from. Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. I love that you have all these things. You know, it didn't last the rest of my life, but I remember it. But man, we've got to start thinking differently because just like you've experienced, and just as I've experienced, change is inevitable. And I'm glad to answer it. You are now leaving a website maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A new manual and videos are available for a course in emotional resilience offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And a lot of times, what happens is, you know, you can't tell the difference, except the doctor can, and she can sayshe does an examination and says, "No, there's no enzymes," there's leftovers in your body when you've had a heart attack, and if those leftovers aren't there, then they say, "Well, that was probably a panic attack.". And we certainly know people who are kind of stuck in that situation where they just feel like . You are now leaving a website maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Sometimes people have very ingrained behaviors, even those that might be influenced by brain chemistry, and feel helpless to do anything about it. About Us. I don't know if that's part of the difficulties people need to experience in order to become more like their father in heaven, but just this idea that we are not worthy, we need to lose that idea. This manual is an addition to the family of self-reliance manuals that are used in self-reliance courses. As a reminder of what she learned, she still has a picture on her computer screen of the Savior talking to a woman at the well (John 4). And it's one of thethere are, in the book, I talk about seven kind of pillars or tenets of emotional resilience, that as we increase our ability in each of these areas that we're going to increase our emotional resilience. Satan would love to have us believe that we cannot change. And then you sayI love that they are acknowledging that and I know that in a scientific space, sometimes spiritual factors are not taken totally into account. Episode References:David Morgan's book: Enduring The Refiner's Fire, Jane Clayson Johnson's Silent Souls Weeping. But he did a great job and now he's an amazing public speaker. Right. And so we have all of this extra stress on top of that, which doesn't do us any favors, and then we're worried about that, "Oh, no, now I have too much stress, I'm stressed about that." Other self-improvement manuals offered by the Church are titled Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business and Find a Better Job.. Latter-day Saint congregations are organizing virtual and in-person meetings based on local conditions and direction, allowing group members to connect in meaningful ways even if they are physically separated. That's a beautiful answer. And I think that's a very helpful approach. This is Heavenly Father's plan for us. . A training booklet is also available to help facilitators understand self-reliance groups and facilitators role in the group learning process. . And quite frankly, if we haven't learned our lesson by now, we probably won't learn it, I almost feel like going to Heavenly Father and saying, "Look, you can probably just take it now. And then those Young Men and Young Women statements we reviewed, both of them have statements of identity and purpose. And so I like the kind of reframing of you know, maybe there's a reason that He's not taking it from me. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. It's not the only answer, but it is definitely part of the answer. I lovethat kind of segues well into this idea of tenacity, which is something that you talk a lot about, you give several examples, including Thomas Edison. And so you have to identify those things. The manual and its companion course aim to help participants build spiritual and practical skills to help them better care for their body, mind, emotions, and relationships. And so one of them is the idea of personal competencethat "I can do something." If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. So he's gonna throw some curveballs every once in a while. Read or download on the Gospel Library app under "Life Help." Buy a printed manual at Church distribution centers. And so doubting in myself leads me to not want to do that. Absolutely not. Can you also get this through The Distribution Center/Desert Book? I think I used an example in the book, which dates me from Happy Days. Perhaps you have begun to wander along strange roads feeling lost, what can you do? I put [Doctrine and Covenants 6:36] there because one of the things youre talking about is recognizing inaccurate thinking patterns and to try and look to the Savior in every thought., During the weekly meetings, Valencia said, you talk about dealing with life and how to find strength through the teachings of Jesus Christ and support from other people., You dont have to share if you dont want to, she added, but you learn a lot about a lot of things from depression to exercise to taking care of your body to communication with other people. And we know that about the chronic effects of stress, that stress and anxiety have a similar kind of physiological reaction in the body. Thank you, Your email address will not be published. And this is something that I am super passionate about, I think Satan tries more than just about anything to make us not understand who we are, and that if we understood who we were, it would change everything. But everyone in the world is dealing with the same thing at the same time and that usually doesn't happen. And again, you offer some roadblocks that keep people from developing tenacity, and I wondered if you could speak to a few of those. Yeah, and I don't think you're alone in your experience Morgan. And it is profound it is, your body just feels completely full of His love and it lasted for like 10 seconds. To me it means to . The emotional resilience manuals and videos may be downloaded from the Churchs, Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church include , Emotional Resilience Training Offered by Church, Liahona: Blessed by the Emotional Resilience Course, Liahona: Ministering with Mental Health in Mind, Liahona: Developing Emotional Resilience throughout the Race of Life, The Church Historians Press Releases Landmark Volume on the Original Book of Mormon Manuscript, Food Donations for Local Charities Received by Missouri Governor, When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. And that could possibly be true in your current situation, if you're struggling with significant mental health issuesabsolutely. They say that "Heavenly Father has a work for us to do," just like He told Moses thousands of years ago. To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. Well, I should start by telling listeners that this is kind of a funny moment, because David and I have emailed back and forth for years now and this is the first time that I've ever seen his face. And it's amazing, like those little wins, how much they can help build confidence. Absolutely. No able to attend meetings. A couple from Ecuador laugh and stand in a workshop. Ten chapters cover topics such as building emotional resilience, developing healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, and overcoming anger. And then the next step is just to do something. The pilot version of this manual was called Emotional Resilience for Self Reliance. Doing everything and taking advantage of every opportunity that I have when the Lord says, "Here's another chance to grow," instead of saying, "Well, that sounds really hard. "We are imperfect beings each trying our best." And not only is it inevitable, it's good for us. And she would say, "Well, what if it doesn't?" We'll be with you again next week. If we intentionally do things that we shouldn't, and we've commit sin, and in those cases we can repent, but a lot of times, like you talked about, people with feelings of depression, oftentimes they describe a difficulty being able to feel the Spirit. What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul. Well, David, I wish that we had talked a while ago, that would have been helpful to me, but hopefully this will be helpful to somebody. There may be some things that you can't do in the moment. And like you said, once we have a really good idea of who we are, I think it just opens up opportunities for us to be more focused in our lives, and be more confident moving forward. "That makes Heavenly Father like do this to me, or this to happen to me." About | Privacy Policy | Rights and Use | Advertise with LDS365 / Affiliate Program | Copyright 2006-2023 And then kind of as a follow up to that, I mentioned this to you before we got on the line, but I have a friend who has struggled since she was in her late teens with anxiety, and specifically panic attacks, and recently kind of had a resurgence of these panic attacks, and she said that she felt like, as a result, she was shutting down and kind of trying not to feel anything. To turn on captions in the language of your choice, please follow the instructions below. Accepting and living ", And it leads me to act proactively instead of just being acted upon. And that's eventually what they ended up describing as these kind of spiritual influences. And then so that when it comes to me again, I say, "Oh, yeah, I can deal with that," instead of just avoiding it altogether, which then leads to no strength. If you've had, you know, a vaccination, you know, that there's, sometimes there's some adverse reaction to it as your body's trying to deal with it. And I think it's part of our Heavenly Father's intention for us, especially in 2022, because we have fewer other challenges than our ancestors did. The Church has released a new manual, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience. And sometimes you're going to fail in a colossal fashion, and that's okay. Daniel 10:12,19. Its a learning process for both facilitators and participants.. David Morgan has devoted a great deal of time to understanding practical ways we can develop emotional resilience in times of adversity and stress. Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church are Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Find a Better Job and Education for Better Work., Learn more in the article Emotional Resilience Training Is Now Offered Globally., Your email address will not be published. The manuals and videos are available as follows: Emotional Resilience is a 10-week course taught by Latter-day Saint volunteers. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. Sometimes we don't feel like we can. To download media files, please first review and agree to the Terms of Use. Open the link to the video. That's the whole point of the Savior's Atonement, right? (My Foundation) Some of the videos for these 10 languages are accessible online. I mean I guess you'd go back to last pandemic, you know, the Spanish flu, but that's been 100 years ago. You can take out a wall here and there or chop away at the roof to try to destroy the house, but the best way to destroy a house is to remove the foundation. David, my last question for you is what does it mean to you to be all in the gospel of Jesus Christ? You know, she makes Forky out of a fork and some other things and that's her new toy. . Accepting and living these principles will help you receive the strength promised by the Lord. We are desperate to find him some help. And regardless of how you feel about masks or vaccines, it's impossible to deny the impact this virus has had on our worldhow much impact it's had on us as individuals. After selecting a language, translated captions will automatically be applied to the video. It's 100 miles, you know, and when you think "Well, I can't run 100 miles," you probably can, it might take you 20 years to do it, but you can do that. We need to have something that gives us traction and helps us move forward. I was like, "No, what are you talking about, we're gonna be done with this by May, we're gonna done this by June." So what can I give you and still let you have the rest of that stuff?" The Church's " Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience " program is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. It is not unusual to feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, said President Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society general president. And so where are the stressors coming from? And we need to remember, this is a, like an ultra marathon that we're running here. A new manual and videos are available for a course in emotional resilienceoffered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. YouTube provides auto-translated captions in over 100 languages. So personal competence is just the idea of believing that you're capable of doing something. Because he says, "I'm trash." Required fields are marked *. I don't know, you know, howI'm sure that the spirit is powerful enough to break through those things. And he'd make the sound of a W but he couldn't actually say it. Oh, great last name, I really appreciate yours. I reflect back on my education and my education at BYU culminated in 1999, with me walking across the stage of the Marriott center to get my degree. What Matters Most. All rights reserved. The Churchs Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience program is now available in English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. And when we're on the path, we're on the covenant path and doing the best we can and striving our best, when we still experienced the significant issues, I think we can confidently say that this is part of Heavenly Father's plan to help us become more like Him. Becca Developed Emotional Resilience and Felt Christ's Healing Church Newsroom 168K subscribers 14K views 11 months ago Becca shares how she developed emotional resilience by taking the. I mean, he's always, and then you say, "Now teach me how to hit that one." But I wonderedwhat is it, David, that keeps us from embracing change? Some situations are natively stressful. Grateful in Any Circumstance. So they're very, very frightening experiences. . Recent major natural disasters coupled with the onset of the pandemic has really affected a number of individuals of all ages in my region, added Harding. And so I would, I think it was Elder Holland, when he talked about years ago, when he did his "Like a Broken Vessel" talk, which was kind of the watershed talk on on mental health, probably one of the first times it's been addressed at depth in general conference, and the Church has dramatically increased its reach and resources for mental health, some awesome stuff in Gospel Library, and on the Church's website for mental health resources. Your car can do that for about, you know, 30 seconds to a minute at a time, if you run that engine at 8000 RPM all day long, that engine is not going to last very long, because it's not designed to run that way. For Japanese videos, CLICK HERE. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. And maybe again, we might free up more of that emotional energy to address and to move forward. Ten more languages have been added to the newest self-reliance course offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I think that that is so true. ", Another thing that you talk about David is embracing change. I'm Morgan Jones. And then by the end of your life, you can hit every ball that comes at you. The manuals will also be distributed in 10 other languages in the next several months. Church responds to members' mental health challenges with new self-reliance materials. The program taught me so much about myself, how to process my emotions in healthy ways, and how to create intentional habits that lead to better wellness, participant Alyssa Free told Newsroom. Laugh and stand in a workshop applied to the video at such a time as this just he. 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Kishaya Dudley Michael Jackson, Articles L