once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma

Disclaimer: I only own the story itself. When Belle offers to help, Regina takes out her heart, before sending her to summon Mr. Gold at the well. At the crashed dirigible, Regina helps collect scraps that Jekyll needs for making a new weapon to defeat Hyde. After Tinker Bell gains access into the perimeter of the encampment and the Lost Boys are put to sleep by Regina, neither Henry or Pan are found there. He chides that Regina cannot leave this life, even though she thinks there are choices in having love or darkness. In a diner celebration welcoming David and Mary Margaret's newborn son, Regina overhears Hook imply that Emma intends to leave town. Regina states she cannot, and then Archie sternly orders Dr. Whale to leave. Regina Mills and Emma Swan have feelings for each other - and they know it. ("The Broken Kingdom", "Dreamcatcher"), As Regina leads David and Mary Margaret to the dagger, she questions Arthur's trustworthiness, while the pair attest they are acting in Emma's best interests. During Emma's battle with Gideon, Regina witnesses Emma allowing herself to be stabbed, causing a burst of light to emit from her abdomen, which defeats Gideon by reverting him back into an infant. Emma offers to go in her place because she blames herself for persuading Regina into bringing Robin to Storybrooke, but Regina insists on finishing things with the Queen herself before anyone else she cares about gets hurt. ("Skin Deep"), A few days later, Regina is led to a faraway kingdom by Belle's former travel mates, who disclose her current location. Zelena is touched by her sister trusting her enough to raise Henry, to which Regina cheekily replies that Henry would be the one raising her. The pair stop in their tracks when Zelena poofs in front of them, casually stating she's since made a change in her and Robin's custody agreement, in which she grants herself sole custody. Once again, Emma brings Henry home. After Regina has collected enough of the flower's dust for the antidote in a vial and given it to Emma, Hook's shadow comes to deliver a wand to allow Emma to banish the Black Fairy back to the Dark Realm. ("Heart of Darkness", "The Stable Boy", "Hat Trick"), Based on Mr. Gold's assessment as Mary Margaret's lawyer, her personality can help get the charges dropped, so an interview with District Attorney Albert Spencer is scheduled. They lock eyes, with him closing the distance between them, as Regina perceives he is trying to kiss her. "he said 'please'. There are some things tha, Stomach Making Noises While Pregnant . In her own car, Regina follows the trail to an empty field and lifts a veil to reveal rows of growing magic beans. One afternoon, she scours the storybook for the Author's identity when Emma offers her a root beer. She suggests the three men can get reacquainted and become friends as they were before the curse hit, to which Lucy agrees with by working on Operation Bromance. Roni considers how unfair it was that their time together was so short, and Robin suggests that this doesn't make what they had any less epic. In the hopes of letting Henry know they are coming for him, Mary Margaret suggests they make a large net to catch a Lost Boy. In return, she will reunite him with his daughter. Instead, Emma sways the other Lost Boys with the promise she will get them off the island, to which they disclose Pan is at his "thinking tree" in Pixie Woods. ("The Stranger"), That night, Regina has a horrible nightmare of her worst fears coming true. ("The Shepherd"), During one night, Graham shows up on Regina's doorstep in a distraught state and engages her in a frenzied kiss that later culminates with an encounter in the bedroom. At Daniel's grave, Regina finds a yellow rose left by none other than Cora. When questioned about her chances of staying alive once the baby is born, Zelena considers that if Regina kills her, she'll make the child motherless. Regina hurries down to the site of the destruction. However, out of Henry's earshot, Regina tells Hook for lying, but the pirate insists it was necessary because it's what Emma wanted to ensure she isn't getting in the way of her son's life. At the mayor's office, Regina presents this plan to the townsfolk by telling them of a time during the first Dark Curse when Snow and David chose to sacrifice their own happiness for everyone's sake, and this time, she hopes they can return the favor. She laments at the fact she was trying so hard not to use magic for Henry's sake and now Cora has ruined everything. Regina, still suspicious of her, decides to save that for after they get the sword, and she leaves Mary Margaret to stay behind and keep watch on Zelena. Regina, of course, accepts the offer and later smugly tells Mr. Gold that she is victorious at last and that he will not be going anywhere. Tinker Bell pleads that she will get in trouble for stealing pixie dust, but Regina coldly sends her away. As it would take too long for her to learn a disguising spell, she asks Rumplestiltskin to change her into someone else instead. As for the heroes, Merlin requests that they work to get Excalibur from Arthur. When asked by the Queen if she regretted not taking a chance with the original Robin all those years ago, she denies it because had she not made that choice, she would not have the life she has now. Looking over Regina's signature on the adoption agreement, Roni signs the same name and notices her penmanship matches the woman's. With him gone, Regina rips the storybook page to shreds before tossing them onto the ground. On the way there, Cora notes that though Regina may be doing the right thing by giving up the true culprit who harmed Archie, Henry will never truly be hers with Emma and her parents around. Falling in line with Ivy's demands, Roni subtlely convinces Jacinda that pursuing a new relationship with Henry won't look good in the eyes of social workers if she intends to get her daughter back. In another room, Roni and Henry find a dog cage that belongs to Cruella, Rumplestiltskin's guard. ("The Evil Queen"), Kidnapped to the cannery, Regina is strapped to a table and hooked up to an electrocution machine for interrogation. Sir Henry coldly reminds Roni of how she killed his grandparents and wonders if she came to finish him off too. ("The Dark Swan", "Birth"), After arriving to the Enchanted Forest, Regina and her allies stop Emma from crushing Merida's heart, persuading her that they can find another way to find Merlin without killing an innocent person. She explains to Victoria that she has hope for Hyperion Heights, considering the bar is her home and rips the contract to shreds. They reach the crypt, bound by blood magic, is open. Following a suggestion from her father, Regina steals her mother's spell book, which she unknowingly uses to summon its creator, Rumplestiltskin. Henry then tricks Regina into believing he can help her by using a map from one of Cora's spell books that'll bring them to an item to locate Snow. After Snow White attacks King George's castle to free Prince Charming, she discovers he is not there and communicates with him through a mirror. Henry fears they will all die, though Regina reminds him that he'll evade the danger because he was born in this world. "Pilot" The two lure out the Dragon together, and from Henry's side, he smashes the mirror, just as the Dragon's fire breath hits the other side. She notes to Zelena that Robin never got to name his child, to which the latter decides the most fitting name for her is Robin. Zelena and Emma dated in high school and a bit afterwards until Cora decided enough was enough. After Regina exits the ice cream truck, Robin catches up and confronts her about why she's avoiding him. After the curse is completed, Mr. Gold combines it with a needle for David to prick his finger on. Later in the day, while she checks on the growing beans, Hook walks into her office to admit Greg and Tamara wanted him to gain a false alliance with her. She insists the rattle should be returned to the Queen because the gift came with a price, but Zelena refuses. Pregnant Evil Queen | Regina Mills. Running to Daniel, Regina begs him to take her away. The Evil Queen is mentioned in the novel in "Breadcrumbs". As the two attempt to narrow down who it could be, they hear a noise at the door and go to investigate, only to find the Evil Queen on the other side. Needing to search the premises of the Snow Queen's ice cream truck, Robin discovers it near his campsite and informs Emma, to which Regina and Hook also join in the investigation. When Robin seemingly doesn't make it through the wardrobe, Regina is crushed, however, she is elated when he does arrive and hugs him, letting her emotions get the better of her. After imprisoning her sister in a cell, Regina reasons that they've both suffered as Cora's daughters and by having lives they didn't want. Archie follows him in right before the sinkhole entrance completely collapses, leaving both Regina and Emma fearing for Henry's safety. However, she is satisfied knowing that Mr. Gold won't ever be fully accepted by the townspeople or his son because he always chooses darkness over light. Congratulations! From Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest. Zelena is upset Regina has come to her for more than just sisterly concern, while Regina insists both are very important to her. The townspeople elect Emma as the new sheriff, much to Regina's dismay, though she grudgingly accepts it. Once Robin is gone, Regina restores Zelena's voice and confronts her about her prior escape attempt to Oz. ("Quiet Minds"), Regina attends Neal's funeral to pay her respects. Phoebe jones had spent the last fourteen years of her life in the foster system, moving from home to home. Thank you, lord, for predes, Letter To My Pregnant Daughter . Warnings for post-traumatic stress disorder, torture, major anti-herocrites, slow build, and a very GoldenSwan-oriented plot. Emma rescues Regina by carrying her out. Cinderella returns to try and rip out Jeremiah's heart, but Regina stops her in time and confronts her about her suspicions that she went to Tremaine's manor. Henry hugs Regina while praising her for changing into a better person. Snow and Hook go with her, but before Regina joins them, she goes to talk to Zelena about her past with Hades. Zelena scoffs, recalling Regina needed saving so badly that she ripped herself in half, and that if anyone is to blame, it's Regina. She questions Greg on what his true intentions are, but he refuses to answer. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Regina and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. Although Owen is eager, his father declines, leading Regina to delay them from leaving by having Billy stall the car repairs. Afterwards, Regina heads to the mayor's office with Robin to confront Zelena. Zelena asks why she can't have a second chance since Regina got one, to which the latter angrily recalls that she already used up two second chances, and then tell her to stop painting herself as the victim. The Magic Mirror warns her about the spell being very strong and shows her, through various mirrors, the denizens of the kingdom singing happily with hope and joy about the future. She hates school because that's where all the pain is coming from. Later after Henry arrives to join Roni and Rogers at the bar, Roni mentions her conversation with the drunk customer, whom Henry suspects is accepting a bribe from Victoria to help her redevelop the neighborhoods. As she is explaining this, Rumplestiltskin comes uncomfortably close to her and sniffs her neck, which she takes in with uneasiness, before regaining her usual confident demeanor. Regina demands that Walter recheck the tapes to see where John Doe went, however, Mary Margaret tells her that she saw him wandering into the woods. The next morning, Regina checks on Robin, who spent the night in one of her guest rooms. Regina is dealing with the fact Robin isn't who she thought he was and has to decide between him and her family. Coyly, she states only true love's kiss can help, but only if Lacey herself loves him, too. ("Swan Song"), Upon coming to the Underworld, Regina splits from her group, with Robin accompanying her to search for Hook. Regina questions what will happen if she fails, to which Zelena rebuffs her concern, accusing her of never wanting a sister anyway. Cora admits to framing her for Archie's death and expresses remorse for all the things she forced Regina to do in the past. After having her son at 18, she puts him up for adoption. The night of Henry's graduation party at Granny's, he receives a phone call from a stranger, actually his adult self who was cursed to go back in time, who offers him advice about his future. To Regina's shock, he also reveals the cut on his cheek was not Pan's work, but Henry's. If this is true, where are Emma and Killian of the A Once Upon A Time Fan Fiction: A thirteen year old girl is mysteriously found unconscious at the docks in Storybrooke. ("The Garden of Forking Paths"), For Halloween, Roni dresses up as Sandy from the movie Grease and lets Henry sample one of her new drinks called the Poisoned Apple, though Henry suggests it could use a bit of cinnamon. To hide evidence of her own involvement, Regina quickly gets rid of a chipped shovel that she previously used to bury the box containing Kathryn's heart just in time since Emma shows up the next day with a search warrant. Regina decides to be a team player as they assemble for leaving. ("Unforgiven"), At the diner, Regina approaches Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula asking to join their inner circle. With Graham, Regina stops Kurt at the town border and has him arrested. Robin questions if she meant to bring him into this mess, but Regina insists she wanted to be part of his fresh start and they could have something if they give it a shot. Henry tries to stop the argument, which ends with Regina teleporting out to find Mr. Gold herself since Emma doesn't want her help. She witnesses Mr. Gold take away Moe French's flower delivery service truck because of late rent payments. When college student, Regina Mills meets CEO, multi-billionaire Emma Swan, she becomes wrapped up in a whirlwind of emotions, both erotic and romantic and brought into a world she had only ever heard of but never personally experienced. Just make good choices, and youll be A-OK! She laughs at Snow's ability to wreck havoc on her own life and jokes that she doesn't need to interfere in order for Snow to be unhappy. Regina reads an unsent letter that Robin wrote to her, which makes her come clean about her struggle to curb her darker instincts. The mousy woman apologizes and explains she was on her way to bring flowers to John Doe at the hospital, though Regina chides her for wasting money since the man can't tell the difference anyway. Now that she's the Dark One, she can finally have him. Zelena offers to drive her sister there, but Regina declines and teleports away on her own. minimal mom instagram When referring to the prayer, the word is usually capitalized ("the Rosary", as is customary for. Kurt, overhearing her, attempts to leave, before Graham wrestles him to the desk, which knocks the box with the heart to the ground. She temporarily hands over Henry to Mary Margaret, and is shocked when her baby stops crying while the schoolteacher is holding him. Serum queen Regina believes if Mr. Gold gets hurt while in Emma's grasp, that's a risk that has to be taken in order to focus on Merlin. Species: Prince Charming | David Nolan. Rue swan is the daugther of Emma swan and Sirius Black. When taunted by the Queen, Emma lunges at her with the sword, surprisingly injuring her without Regina being affected too. Regina and Killian are happy together but due to Regina's infertility they can't have a baby, so when they do get a chance of having one, they immidiately take it. Henry dubs their mission Operation: Heartbreak, but rather than going together to where Lucy is now, Roni directs him to Jacinda's food truck, jokingly telling him to "be charming and don't slouch." Regina fails to tap into the wand's power, as Hook ironically points out, because she's done too much good. Later, in Regina's castle, she spies on the Blind Witch through her mirror, seeing Hansel and Gretel outsmart the woman by locking her in her own furnace. (set in s3 in neverland) in the midst of trying to find. John Doe disappears from his hospital bed during the night, to which she comes to the hospital to have a look. Upon learning about Robin, Snow cautions Regina about the man, as he may look like the Robin they know but he isn't him. Passing the time until Ariel's return, Regina asks Mr. Gold if he really believes Belle can succeed. Based after ep. Roni gives Margot a hug as Henry, Jacinda, and then Lucy embrace each other. Emma moves to speak up, but Regina claims the title in her place, not wanting Emma's cover to be blown. From this, Kathryn begins to consider Regina a friend. Roni denies it and tries to explain before Rumplestiltskin cuts in to comment on the dramatic tension of the situation. Emma simply begs for mercy, so to push her further, Regina kidnaps her parents. Though Emma confirms Killian wants to move on, Regina advises her to help Hook to forgive himself for his dark deeds, as that's something she struggled with in the past too. Before tossing them onto the ground magic for Henry 's sake and now Cora ruined... Dirigible, Regina rips the storybook page to shreds before tossing them onto the ground although is. Regina states she can finally have him during the night, Regina restores Zelena 's voice and confronts about. Until Ariel 's return, Regina approaches Cruella, Rumplestiltskin 's guard the border!, considering the bar is her home and rips the contract to shreds before them. 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