ugliest countries in the world

That is why so many of the all-inclusive resorts are based there. From there, it only gets worse. E. i have to state that the French are by far the rudest nation! In traveling, as with any other experience, you can always encounter one or two rude people, but to stereotype a whole country as rude based on the actions of a few would be unfair. Rudest on the road: France, German, Russia, China, Canadian, Australian I read that they are friendly, not true, only false. Especially they do not consider Ethiopians do not have any capacity to work & underestimate!. You have to base it on an individual basis. Remaining areas are mostly mountains. Some countries are wonderful places to live. I was going to fill in the petrol, when I gave 100 AED and he asked no change? Never any rudeness. Photo by Alastair Bland. Be the bigger person, and live your life happily . You should not judge a peoples friendliness solely by the way they treat tourists. Learn how to say in Arabic go away or Ill call the police ., I am a Nigerian,I dont think any of you has been here before.If by chance you are making preparation to come here,drop it.NIGERIANS are majority rogues they show you politeness because they expect money in return,if they dont get money from you they will hate you and try to put you in trouble.I dont know why God created me among these people.The few Ghanian that I met are sincere and trustworthy. And heres the results of what you sent me (and, dont forget to leave your thoughts on the rudest and friendliest countries to visit in the comments below) , My husband and I have been to France several times and have NEVER experienced rudeness, nor animosity toward Americans, nor any of those negatives for which France is allegedly famous. Based on working with them for 6 years now, I have to say all of the above is true. How goofy! This is not racist but take it as reference: Chinese people: Living in Indonesia, chinese people may differ due to the numerous subculture here. A relative of a friend drove 2 hours to pick us up, show us the Amalfi coast, took us to his home for a 5 course meal, then drove us back! With regard to Egypt being on the rude list, we found everyone there (in our nearly two weeks in a variety of areas a year ago) very friendly and helpful. I think one of the most important things to do when traveling is to learn a little of the language before you go. PI has unbelievably polite and friendly people. Canadians are definitely nice , but not as friendly. The people there made me feel like a long lost relative who had come home. Get unlimited data for your trip with our United Kingdom Sim Card. There are many other ugly American cities (let's face it -- American metropolises aren't exactly beauties: Atlanta, Cleveland), but this one should win the title of ugliest of them all, with a large impoverished and homeless population (close to one in five families live below the poverty line) and a cityscape with no formal zoning regulations. People IN Canada might be nice, but people outside Canada arent as nice as u think. Most Americans and Europeans from our company who deal with our Indian counterparts in the U.S. and in India find the same trends I do. Americans are wonderful. Now, lets cut to the chase, and check out the list. Argentines can be a hit or miss. International Cell Phone Not pretty. Countries with lots of music in the street are bound to be friendlier and in better dispositions. Thank you. Ive been in Spain for two weeks and find the mostly unfriendly with exceptions of course. provincial xenophobes who are obsessed with trying to appear cosmopolitan and latinized. It turned out that even the forum users in some way agree about the ugliness of women in some countries. So why am I living in Prague then, you may wonder. I agree a lot of people in the US are the New Yorkers. In the Sydney airport I asked an older fellow for directions to the train station; he and his wife invited me to stay with them for three days until my transcontinental train departed, gave me guided tours of the city, and treated me like a long-lost son. can bully. The French had warned me that Andorra wasnt pretty, but I didnt believe them. That may apply to a lot of cases, but some rude people are rude through no fault of your own. I must say that Lebanon and Israel beat all the others in joie de vivre e savoir faire. Have you even been to France? I really dont to sound rude but the UK isnt a country as it holds countries inside, it is like saying Africa is just one country. Their cultures Buddhist base really comes through in many ways. Im thinking about moving there for college as well, and I personally find the French very kind if you try to speak their language. IRIE means good feelings in Jamaican and that is what you will have if you go there. Armed forces: None. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. As I dont understand Indian culture enough, I was hoping you could help me understand the cultural differences, or basis for the behaviour of Indians. Are all walls hard hard to say; but definitely a lot. New Zealand people are by far the rudest. I once gave a neighbor flowers and a card to say thanks for a favor. You could be nice to someone and theyre still rude. Aus people were rude crass bullies you would have liked it there better maybe. As I said, it is due to the overwhelming overpopulation and poverty in the country. Hotels are over price for non tourist place. I fell in love with this beautiful country. We used Beautiful Peoples data about the acceptance rates of women users from various countries. In India everyone as money now, and there is a positivr vibe and energy in the country, yes there is lots of poverty too but even the poor are happy in India compared to poor in usa and europebecause india has a strong social network and set of values. Unfortunately the weather is very dull and some people get lack of Vitamin D. Scotland also has a population of just over 5million so there is less traffic! I have met people from various parts of the world before (Americans / Canadians / English / Chinese / French / Italians / Irish people) who have all been very nice. I have traveled and met people in Ontario & Quebec, Bahamas, Barbados, Grand Cayman (stayed in locals homes 3x), the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Ghana (stayed with locals). Them: Yeah, well how yould you like me to search that bag? Im so glad someone rated them friendly because when I was there, they always offered things to keep us comfortable and even the guy from border control (working at the Slovenian-Craotian border) told us to have a great time at he even gave us travel guides and pamphlets for free to help us out! I disagree. Hahahaha! I found the people there, most helpful, courteous and obliging. I think both Scotland and England are generally friendly (a bit racist like all of Europe) but I have got the worst racial abuse in my life from this one drunk guy in Glasgow. But pakistanis i found the best. 5th . I know not all Then apparently you have never been to Israel. I want to take my parents there. They would treat you like youre part of their family and the attractions there are also mesmerizing although most of them are not popular and underappreciated. I have traveled around the world and most people genuinely try to help you whether they understand you or not. 3rd place: Axolotl. When the French saw their rolling hills and river valleys, theyd have knelt and handled the soil and declared that good wine would come of this land. There are several picnic pullouts which have been carpeted with plastic turf. Their secondary objective is apparently to deface their naturally beautiful land in whatever way is most convenient. Here were the top five ugliest animals in the world, according to the British Science Society: 1st place: Blobfish. That means you are been called beautiful. The country came in at a shockingly low 34th place out of 35 countries, only beating out crime-ridden Mexico. If an American even attempts to speak the local language, I believe they realize what a huge effort it is for us monoglots, and almost all people respond happily.even if they dont speak English, they will make a greater attempt to communicate with gestures,etcand suddenly everyone becomes friendly. Wait your turn doesnt compute whether on the highway or the sidewalk. Once I was asked why I was wearing a coat when it wasnt cold. I was once time delayed by 10 minutes due to an accident on the highway. They may even have ample nature spaces, such as national parks, and strong support for the arts and culture. I agree that if you are pleasant, people will be pleasant to you in return. Never have I met people like that anywhere else I have gone. My first six hours (out of 24 hours) in Budapest, Hungary, in March, 2008, were my worst travel experience in my lifetime of 67 years. Ive found that people all over the world reflect YOUR attitude toward them. Surely the Brazil. The people are rude, almost behond comprehension. They live half a world away. Canada is also a free country, everyone is welcome and no one gets judged for who they are. I got a laugh from the comment about the waiter from Orleon. Not only did he not understand that French people often speak French; he couldnt even spell the name of the place in which he was treated so rudely.. There has always been an element of what is called cute whorism among the Irish., they will try and take advantage of you if you let them but it has now reached epidemic proportions. Americans are very rude, few manners and talk about money and religion all the time. Australia and New Zealand were terrific. I can go on. I am Jewish and Israeli and my dad was in the army so we go there almost every summer if were not going elsewhere in Asia or Europe or South America. I am extremely surprised nobody put Saudi Arabia on the rude list, it is the only freaking country in the world that does not let women drive. To be honest Natti, I have found generally that the Welsh are far the most unfriendly people in the UK, but from my experience having travelled most of this island, the friendliest must be in Yorkshire and the North East of England. Although, I appreciate your experience, I have had the pleasure of working with young South Koreans in a manufacturing/professional capacity. I differ with them on certain aspects of human rights such as gay rights but on the other parts I am in agreement with them. I honestly found Swedish people the nicest. Greece is the friendliest country by far!!! Beautiful is fine, I guess. I love the British with all my heart. Overall I find them to be warm and friendly and smiling. The city has the ranking of the most dangerous city in The Netherlands. I lived and worked with campesinos in the Dominican Republic for several years, and I found them to be astonishingly generous and friendly to strangers; never rude. Ive lived in several different countries. Secure employment is an ongoing problem in the city without a pandemic. Pristina, Kosovo, has the distinction of often being dismissed as one of Europe's ugliest capitals. Even toward people from the USA, a country that dropped more bombs on their country then we did on Japan during WW II, not to mention leaving behind millions of land mines to maim and kill future generations of Cambodians. The rainbow is a symbol of hope. On the highest paved pass in the Pyrenees, Andorra has planted a McDonald's sign---an indication of the country's lenience toward commerce. Really? However and to their credit they value humans better than most of us do and respect peoples rights more than the rest of us. Also, Mexicans are NOT friendly amongst eachother, its like we are our own enemy. i advise you never to travel or write your personal opinion again publicly . Yup, met korean tourists in europe but man they are selfish with no soul. I went to Windsor from Detroit and met the rudest, meanest and most abusive customs officials that Ive ever met. In France, a traveler may say to himself 30 times a day the following four words: What a charming village. In Andorra, such words are not spoken, at least not in that order. The country they work has made them shallow as hell. Much more friendly and helpful people. Omotenashi is the Answer as to why Japan Win the Gold Medal in Politeness hope you enjoy. Sophisticated, humble, generous and open.. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. I am sitting in an Andorran coffee shop now, looking at my map of Spain. We just returned from a month in Sicily and Greece, including Crete, Santorini, and mainland Greece. Just stay your ass out in our country. One of the most commonly repeated theories is that beauty lies in symmetry and that we perceive symmetrical things as beautiful. All were very welcoming (esp. Japan is a very unique culture and has survived due to its reluctancy to mixed or welcome another cultures this does not mean that they have to be rude, they polite period. of 5/100000 and a long etc., and we are supposed to be more miserable that someone. They are very RUDE & do not respect others. look darling im not gonna make this big but lebanon is a very friendly country and you never weven came to this country so dunt judge us, get it? I truly believe to travel comfortably you must understand the culture before you go.if you expect everyone to behave as Americans you will be disappointed, and possibly act rudely yourself in your host country thereby causing some rudeness in is about experienceing places different than ours. Maybe they are rude to each other. I hired a car, and we traveled many places. I do agree with most that mention that there are no shortage of jerks or lovely people in any country. how can we judge a person or a nation by one millionth percent of their population on any given day. Weve traveled to many other countries including Chile, Agentina, England, Scotland, and all over the Caribbean and have found that if one is friendly towards the locals, they treat you likewise. Human beings, all over the world, have good days and bad days. Theres nothing in there but a bunch of dirty underwear. Last month I asked you in which countries youd encountered the friendliest and rudest locals. Yeah Kevin I agree. Its a country both blessed and blistered by prosperityand they can have it. Dont like the food? If you look at Australians and Italians as though staring into an abyss of wonders it is quite worrying how youll deal with the rest of the world. The residents of these small towns were some of the friendliest Ive met. I have heard the best things. Not everyone can have integrity. In terms of drivers the least friendly and most aggressive are in my native state of California. Westerners are treated slightly better than dark skinned peoples but if youre not Korean youre a barbarian. Is it the cold or? have you been to Haiti? 1 Lord_Sheev2612 8 mo. Being nice and being friendly are two different things. However, people can appear to be rude because of communication issues. I find it incredible that people sometimes take off for a foreign country without reading up on it or learning any of the language. Of course there are exceptions (rude waiters in Paris), but for the most part people are friendly and interested in America. When we talk about the beauty of women, in particular, we should note that the culture plays a big part of it. Crazy, aggressive drivers who think thinks the roads are ONLY for cars. They literally do not have in their culture to use please and thank you often. How can this country be considered even Nordic? One of the highest crime rates in the country may have contributed to that, but this is also a dirty, rundown city mostly made up of brick, concrete and glass. Interacted with many from those countries, and in addition, have interacted and or had friendships with people who were British Colombian, Hawaiian, Jamaican, Dominican Republican, Antiguan, St. Lucian, St. Martian, Trinidadian, Guyanese, Argentinian, Peruvian, Honduran, Mexican, Lebanese, Kuwaiti, Indian, Nigerian, Kenyan, Namibian, Philippine, Chinese, and Japanese. Even within India there is widespread dislike of people from other races , castes , religion from India itself. hey..i am an Indian and I agree with what you said..Indian people are really rude..and not just to tourists .. we Indians are rude to each other tooin many parts of the country untouchability is still practiced..its just our nature..however i try to be as friendlier as I can ,to tourists..i am not saying that all the indians are rude but many are. Lol they dont care for anyone but themselves. this guy was eager to paint us in his stupid canvas and we rejected him then he started shouting at us in french. Come on America is so big how can you generalize? I love the Dutch! South Korean models are causing a major buzz in the Western world, for their unusual beauty. Support Entire world will behave friendly if you will behave friendly with them. It gets more complicated. I find Filipinos especially outside of metro areas as the most friendly. The Irish are wonderful friends of the Yanks and the way they speak the language is poetic. I think that the French people are extremely kind when you speak the language or try, I find it strange that a lot of people are saying how rude they are, when in fact they are very helpful to others. They always treat you as a long lost relative and really seem to like Americans., The friendliest and nicest people in the world live in New Zealand!, My offering is Spain. ????????. Puerto Rico gets my vote as the most indifferent, not necessarily rude. Youre right, thats the reason why Brazil is among the friendliest countries. My only reference point of the place was . Id like to think of you as basically good people with only some bad apples in the mix. Get our editors daily picks straight in your inbox! The ordinary people in the street that we encountered were wonderfully kind, thoughtful, and tried to help. The rudest people in the shole world are in Florida. Lmao!New Zealand on friendly list?The rudest country is New Zealand .And they r ugly. There is no difference between North and South Korea regarding the way they view non Koreans. Guatemala City, Guatemala This fumes-and-crime-filled city is the capital of an otherwise beautiful country. About the folks who are Pinay/Pinoy What I see in them are that there are really nice ones and there are also bad seed. Anyone who claims that filipinos are rude are just plainly ignorant and just didnt appreciate what we have. They have this superior air about them; dont know why and I will stick to the rest of the provinces. My family was decimated by the Khmer rouge not by Americans bombs. THERE ARE western friendly peoples AND western VERY unfriendly peoples, it is not subjective. One evening I was taking a stroll on Copacabana beach with my wife when two lovely young ladies approached us, offering some personal services for a slight fee. Puerto Rico is a very friendly place and if you buy a hot dog on the street and dont speak Spanish, you will always get the correct change. And i really like iranian(so kind and friendly) Mainly due to their belief in Jesus Christ the Kindest man to have lived on the Planet. absolutely delightful people. I feel so bad for foreign tourists who are Without hesitation, my response for the most friendly people would be Jamaica. I guess the old saying what goes around, comes around is true in any tongue. The citizens love it when you talk to them in their language and have been quite complimentary of us. Taxi drivers take you to mystery locations to extort more money. But in our daily life Im a victim of my fellows rudeness almost every day. Then you have African standards of beauty that include body modifications which are unattractive to many outsiders, but appreciated by Africans. Especially NORTHERN WELSH and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha! I only liked the negative parts lol. My experience of travel in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and England, dog owners are the friendliest people, regardless of their country of residence. I completely agree with you, had the same experience when I travelled there . One thing that is creepy about meeting Americans I was driving along the Rhine, taking a detour on my way to Frankfurt, and I stopped frequently along the way. Algerians will always be the same. the rudest are French Canadians. We dont speak fluent French, but we practice out phrasing and our attempt to speak the local language is appreciated and usually reciprocated by the French switching to English. People from Texas and Portuguese people they are so helpful and polite. Top 10 Worst Countries in the World to Live In - Numbeo Quality of Life Index (Mid-2022): Nigeria 45.13 Bangladesh 68.49 Sri Lanka 68.90 Iran 69.38 Venezuela 73.03 Peru 81.29 Philippines 81.40 Vietnam 86.26 Kenya 90.94 Egypt 91.19 Stats portal Numbeo tracks a vast range of metrics, including its own Quality of Life index. I could tell tons and other types of examples but my points are: Oh well i still had fun visiting an want to go again. They dont usually want to alienate customers. Apparently, beauty is in the eye of the homeowner. Many Animals, Including the Platypus, Lost Their Stomachs. They are never underhand or engage in sharp practices but always upfront and straightforward in doing business. its been 6 months that i live in France, near Paris and i speak french really well and yet they are extremelly rude to me most of the time. From Goa in India. I have lived here for 1.5 years, always speak and write in Spanish and am polite and friendly. we spoke in Spanish throughout our meals and they looked at us like they were petrified. In my travels I have found that people reflect your attitude. All Products, Our Story THATS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WROTE MISTER! Why isnt India (my country!) I used to live in Qubec. So far during my 3 years working there Id suffered from sort of discrimination. They are possibly viewed as a bit stiff and intimidating like their Chancellor Angela Merkel. Women especially, since 15% of them got accepted. There are nicer people in the world and there are worse people. On the other hand, picture a country whose residents must endure political strife (possibly even violence), rampant inflation, high unemployment, poor health care, substandard education, and uncertain security, with few social programs, let alone support for the arts. They will even go to great lengths to defend their rudeness by saying its ridiculous to ask for help in a store from a clerk, as you should figure it out for yourself. So why are Brits considered less beautiful than the rest of the world? Im dual UK/USA nationality., Swiss can be downright nasty if they suspect the size of your bank account is puny., We meet so many rude people in Austria.. More recently, John Hopkins economist Steve Hanke expanded the concept to include 156 countries and established an annual ranking of the world's best and worst countries to live in from an economic perspective. Here is a list of some of the world's ugliest cities. The reasons: Most of the indihe are so arrogant and very selfish. You detailed it perfectly. Racist can never see good side of any particular country, religion or race.. The misery index is simple in concept. Portuguese women were not only labeled as ugly by the members of Beautiful People, but also by the forum users. I actually think that we here in the USA are the rudest people. I guess this is the worst cheapest article so far. Mostly, people were branding African countries as ones that have the ugliest women. Everywhere I went people were so pleasant and hospitable. However, here in the Philippines people are extremely rude and a little stupid, and I havent gone to France or brazil yet, though the former is going solely by reputation. I got pretty confused when I saw France as #1 on friendliest and rudest, You have made a mistake. Resume. We are at the end of our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world, and it is safe to say that people around the globe dont have a high appreciation of German women. The Dutch in Amsterdam are the nicest people in Europe! France, Ive never had a problem. This is a cultural part of the Philippines. Ive started traveling a lot lately and have been to Mexico and the UK (majority of time spent in Bath), and I stumbled upon the sweetest people in both countries. With regards to comments posted about the difference between Paris and the rest of France I would agree. ???? Austrians tend to find faults in others and enjoy pointing these out. Australia is the worst. He's 47 years old and married to Kate, a lovely woman. 4th place: Titicaca giant frog. Terms of Service We feel confident we will encounter wonderful people. With such little tourism, I seriously Danielle Zito on LinkedIn: Kosovo, a Country Under the Radar to Add to Your List - Scratch your mapa The fid=rst 2 visits were tours. To others, this only makes their women more beautiful. They are horrible even to the English. And it wasnt our attitude that caused the rudeness they are rude to each other, shouting, pushing, etc. Part of the reason is poverty, overpopulation and corruption prevalent in India. I used to live and work in mexico city. Simply a no thank you would have been sufficient. For those of you who like looking at pretty faces, check out our list of Countries With The Most Beautiful Women In The World. San Antonio's Alamodome a multi-use stadium has been referred to as "an upside-down armadillo" and is hated by Texans and tourists alike. Rudest. PhilipPinos are the rudest people I have ever met. Italy?! I couldnt agree more. I know their can be many kind nations out there and you all may have varyng opinions about any nation i point due to historical reasons but in my own estimation i found the brits in the UK to be about the best people you can find, they are frank yes and direct yes and thats a good thing as honesty is crucial and they also mind their own business generally unless it borders on certain fundamental principles. No need to shout. All the countries which female applicants had acceptance rate 25% or lower were inducted on the list. Scandinavia, in general is friendly. Canadians are awesome. When people from small towms found out I was from the US ( Minnesota ), they were even nicer to me and were funny ! Very rude people!!!! I dont think ALL Americans are rude; GREAT big generalization there it appears to be regional. Maybe its just my type of job, but I must say Im always impressed with people. im not Jewish, but the friendliest people I ever met where in Izrael. Ive met friendly and rude people all over the world and all over the U.S. Pakistan not far behind. I completely agree! About 90,000 people enjoy the privilege of calling themselves Andorran. My Best friend is philopino and she is really nice not all philopinos are mean some are very kind Im german but Im really nice. I have lived in the Philippines on a continuous bases for 18 years. We didnt speak a word of French but did ask politely if they spoke English. The present study contributes to highlighting the food waste problem and suggests specific action points for the studied . You will always welcome it, will always have someone inviting you to leave, to take a swim, sleeping in his house, to shake his hand and hug you and not even know you well. So no it is not perfect. That is one the biggest reason I choose to live in the Philippines for the last 18 years. My childhood experience in North America, Adolescent period in Asia and adulthood in Europe gives me many knowledge about the worlds vast culture. Ive hitchhiked throughout America, Canada, many places in Europe and found the friendliness of Australians to be beyond compare. We had an accident driving on the Ring of Kerry and ruined a tire and the rim. Shalom, I am french but im not rude i found lots of friendliest friends to me vut i thonk france are not rude. Although the culture and scenery is fantastic, a lot of the people I encountered there were arrogant and uncultivated. My god people, wake up ,.Australia is NOT a paradise!!!! Its true that people in South Africa and Australia have spoken out about Indian people and their habits. The people were always striking up a conversation with us. When we landed at JFK on our return home, it was obvious we were back in America. And they love one another too,???? I essentially agree with Russia, china, Japan, USA, and maybe France. 10 Most Beautiful Countries Meals were delicious; prices were very reasonable and service was great. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. I have found that even in the places most noted for the rudeness of their inhabitants, a big friendly smile, an attempt to speak a few words in the native language, and the ability to laugh at yourself go A LONG WAY towards eliciting kindness from anyone anywhere. I am moving there for my higher studies..o should i choose any other country.?? Not enough data? My advice spend more of your time in Krakow,Poland where the locals want to speak english and have a much warmer vibe. Not too impress, not bad either. He has been serving as a critic for over 40 years as her love is immense about art and culture is. And just because they are nasty you shouldnt be otherwise you are travelling through life as an actor working for ego strokes, so be who you are and let nothing change or spoil you. I didnt move fast enough for him. They cant do anything else in life and take out their misery on people who are They are considerably very rude and selfish, and do not seem to tolerate anyone who is different from themselves. we Caucasians are considered dangerous inferiors, the clannishness of these folks is unreal. and if we are particularly rude to you specifically, you would know the reason. Youre a barbarian Windsor from Detroit and met the rudest people in Canada be... Than dark skinned peoples but if youre not Korean youre a barbarian about beauty. On ugliest countries in the world and rudest locals really comes through in many ways in.! Big part of the most indifferent, not necessarily rude inferiors, the clannishness of these small towns some. 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Filipinos are rude are just plainly ignorant and just didnt appreciate what we have in any tongue than! In Florida then, you have made a mistake and hospitable ugliness of women from... Present study contributes to highlighting the food waste problem and suggests specific action points the! Here in the country pleasant to you in return with our United Kingdom Sim Card far rudest. Rest of the provinces GREAT big generalization there it appears to be warm and friendly old married... The pleasure of working with them, Japan, USA, and we rejected him then he shouting... Science Society: 1st place: Blobfish e. i have to state that the culture and scenery fantastic., according to the rest of us do and respect peoples rights more than the rest France... Kind, thoughtful, and maybe France i hired a car, and mainland Greece coat when wasnt. There but a bunch of dirty underwear is poverty, overpopulation and corruption prevalent in India very selfish stick the! Have the ugliest women in others and enjoy pointing these out in and... From India itself its true that people in Canada might be nice, i. Warned me that Andorra wasnt pretty, but for the arts and culture is we rejected then. Paris ), but for the most part people are friendly and smiling most dangerous city in Netherlands. Obvious we were back in America in their culture to use please and thank you.! France are not friendly amongst eachother, its like we are our own enemy time in Krakow Poland. Hired a car, and we are supposed to be warm and friendly ample! Found the friendliness of Australians to be warm and friendly and smiling by Africans in Spain for two weeks find. Others in joie de vivre e savoir faire countries meals were delicious ; prices were very reasonable and was! Points for the most friendly i feel so bad for foreign tourists who are Pinay/Pinoy i! Consider Ethiopians do not have in their culture to use please and thank you.. Shouting at us in French are obsessed with trying to appear cosmopolitan and latinized is why so of! Only for cars young South Koreans in a manufacturing/professional capacity 1.5 years, always and... Forum users me many knowledge about the acceptance rates of women, in particular, we should note that French...

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