Similarly, Gen Z students are constantly seeking authenticity as a way to generate greater freedom of expression and greater openness to understanding different kinds of people, according to a recent report from McKinsey & Company [11].\n\nThe current American student body is a highly experimental, socially aware cohort that do not make purchases blindly. College brand ambassador programs are by no means a new idea, but they have proved to be a successful one, harnessing the passion and energy of students armed with your brand message. SRDS Media Planning Platform 2: About one in five students are the first in their family to attend college which class format they would prefer. A locked padlock By taking time to understand the broader issues that affect college students, we can better formulate a marketing strategy that really speaks to them.\n\nThis article will cover a number of different college marketing ideas that could help create an effective campaign for a product or service, but first, its important to understand why the college market is worth targeting and what the benefits are for brands looking to do so.\n\nIn the 2020-21 academic year, an estimated 19.7 million students [1] travelled to study at colleges across the USA. Though students may have less expendable income than other groups, they still have discretionary money and are willing to spend it on brands that gain their attention and understand their values. Psychographics of Pop-Up Retail Customers 2.1 Understanding Consumers' Lifestyle Profiles. While making wide generalizations about a group as large as this does have its limitations, by looking at survey results taken from both generational groups its possible to draw some insights as to the average college students beliefs. Demographics explain who your buyer is, while psychographics explain why they buy. The majority of this data is taken from surveys, and although the sample sizes are large, these figures should be used as a starting point for marketing strategies.\n\nHSBC's Value of Education Study\n\nDespite coming from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, the majority of college students will work in their spare time to support their education and their lifestyle choices. By utilising a range of marketing activities, a brand can reinforce the key message of their college marketing campaign and improve their chances of success.\n\nMore than ever before, the consumer is playing a vital role in the dissemination of marketing campaigns: this is especially true amongst students.\n\nAdvertise on Social Networks\n\nSocial networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have been blamed for a raft of mental health issues amongst the student body, but that hasnt put a stop to their popularity with this demographic. For example, a political organization is dividing people based on age. The academic calendar has also been subject to changes, aimed to prevent students from contracting the virus during off-campus breaks. 13 fast facts about todays college students, Like EAB on Facebook - (Opens In A New Tab), Follow EAB on LinkedIn - (Opens In A New Tab), Follow EAB on Twitter - (Opens In A New Tab), Follow EAB on Youtube - (Opens In A New Tab). Audience Psychographics. Classroom Diversity Classrooms are becoming more racially and ethnically diverse. The 2022 Trends in Online Student Demographics Report is our third annual report on online college student demographics. The four psychographic factors of market segmentation are values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviorsthese four factors help understand how the audiences feel and behave. On average, a college student will spend 2.3 hours studying in class, 2.8 hours studying at home, 4 hours socialising and up to 4.2 hours a day doing paid work [5]. By paying attention to the value that they hold dear and tailoring your marketing strategy accordingly, you can avoid wasting time investing in ideas that are unlikely to resonate with this demographic. Consider the wide array of disciplines that are taught at college institutions and then build a presentation that ties into one of them, while being relevant to what your brand offers. Free samples, coupons, discounts and exclusive deals are all great ways to drive future purchases and encourage repeat custom. Major brands such as Apple and Amazon have seen success by offering exclusive deals to students; simultaneously hooking customers for life. To understand how to sell to college students its first important to understand where they spend their money. Whether youre choosing to advertise your contest to one college institution or multiple, its crucial that you make the process of entering as simple and intuitive as possible. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Depending on the specific colleges and locations that you are planning on, businesses may find that theyll need to embrace flexibility in terms of the media that they are using to target their students with. Then take into account that median earnings for young adults with bachelors degrees is $50,000 (nearly $20,000 above the national average[3]), and it becomes apparent why its worth marketing to these people at a young age. For more information, see . Product sampling at major college events, such as varsity sports events and in the lead up to exams, puts the drinks brand in the right place and the right time to make an impact with one of their target audiences. The sub-brand of the internationally renowned lingerie company aims itself squarely at college women, so it should come as little surprise that they've run a brand ambassador campaign since 2008, recruiting thousands of campus reps in the process [16].\n\nPINK's brand ambassadors are now spread throughout the country with 2 reps per college and 10 team members per institution, all of whom will be involved with sharing their experiences with the brand on social media, contributing to brand designs and empowering their fellow college women. Choosing to highlight how you have changed your business practices could help improve confidence in your brand, and show that you are treating the changing situation with respect. Explore census data with visualizations and view tutorials. Carnegie Dartlet LLC | 210 Littleton Road, Suite 100 | Westford, MA 01886, 86% of respondents to this survey also worked full or part-time jobs over the summer, however, its worth noting that on average a college student will spend $99,417 over the course of their degree [5]. Over 50% of Generation Z have ad blockers installed on their browsers. Despite coming from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, the majority of college students will work in their spare time to support their education and their lifestyle choices. The IBM Institute for Business Value (in conjunction with the National Retail Federation) conducted a survey of over 15,000 Gen Z people [8], to find out how they relate to brands and what they value most in these relationships. This year, students pointed towards pricing being one of their most important considerations when it comes to purchasing decisions. Identifying these students needs whilst they are isolated from their campus lives could help formulate a message that speaks to them. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Todays college students belong to the Generation Z generational group. How can you utilise Cross-Platform College Marketing? These demographic shifts and other factors may have further impacts: GRAD STUDENTS UP - Over the next decade, student enrollment should remain fairly stable, with graduate student enrollments growing faster than undergraduate ones. 798 colleges (over a quarter of all institutions) have yet to confirm their plans.\n\nThe academic calendar has also been subject to changes, aimed to prevent students from contracting the virus during off-campus breaks. While it could be argued that any publicity is good publicity, readership of college newspapers has been on the decline for some time, so advertising on this channel might not be the most cost-effective idea. Follow and engage with Eric onTwitterandLinkedIn, where he shares content and opinions on marketing and enrollment strategy, student recruitment, and retention. The average age of an employed student athlete is 35 years old. F or example, women with children under 18, college students, etc. Psychographics is qualitative. For example, Ice cream companies earn more money in the summer season than in winter. Though students may have less expendable income than other groups, they still have discretionary money and are willing to spend it on brands that gain their attention and understand their values. To access: Contact the Reference Desk (ext. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How should my messaging change during the Coronavirus pandemic? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. On average, a college student will spend 2.3 hours studying in class, 2.8 hours studying at home, 4 hours socialising and up to 4.2 hours a day doing paid work [5]. In 2019, the enrollment rate was higher among Asian college students at 62% than it was for students of two or more races at 47%, caucasians at 41%, African Americans at 37%, Hispanic at 36%, and Alaskan Native/American Indians at 24%. In the 2020-21 academic year, an estimated 19.7 million students [1] travelled to study at colleges across the USA. It is an excellent way of sending messages to a targeted group of people rather than everyone. Demographics are generally easier to find, but marketers often use demographics to gather audience psychographics. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is OOH college advertising still worth it? In similar, age is an example of demographic characteristics of market segmentation. Campus Life . Student athletes are most in-demand in Albany, NY. As demographics is one of the critical predictors for online buying behaviour (Li et al., 1999), the study focuses on the millennial consumers in the country who are considered to be tech-savvy. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These events usually take place in the first few weeks of the opening college semester and present an excellent opportunity for brands to get their message in front of students when they are early in their college journeys.\n\nMany freshman college students will be in the process of figuring out how to support themselves for the first time, making purchasing decisions and forming buyer habits that may stick with them for their entire college life, or even further. Consider the wide array of disciplines that are taught at college institutions and then build a presentation that ties into one of them, while being relevant to what your brand offers. By attending status, there are 4,201 full-time and 4,634 part-time students with gender distribution of 4,150 male and 4,685 female students. Out of home marketing still offers great value for businesses seeking to market to a large swathe of students in a given area. Something like 100% of us agree that personalized consumer experiences are superior to generic, and in order to provide prospective students a more personalized consumer experience in 2021, you have to move beyond demographic segmentation and speak to who they really are as people and what will appeal to their emotions. Young people spend more time together than other social or professional groups, this makes influencing their consumer decisions a difficult challenge which can only be tackled with a well-planned, targeted marketing campaign.\n\nWariness of traditional marketing\n\nEffective college marketing identifies the needs of this demographic and delivers a brands message in a timely, useful way. That would be invaluable information for shaping future prospective student pools. They have money to spend and are willing to spend it, but they need to feel that they are getting good value. How can QR Code Marketing help during Coronavirus? While students may not respond to traditional advertising, this is not to say that they are resistant to all forms of marketing. The ebb and flow of the college semester are permeated with major events that the student body will gravitate towards. Season refers to a specific time of year categorized by a particular climate condition. Whilst college students spend thousands of dollars over the course of their degrees, they are not easily swayed by traditional, interruption marketing. So to sustain and/or grow enrollment, you cant just buy more names. Young Adult Suicide Statistics. Marketing to sororities and fraternities gives you access to ready-made social networks through which a successful campaign can be delivered. Looking at college enrollment by race, we can notice that Hispanic students have been accessing college education at increasingly higher rates. 2. Research has shown that these young people want to be actively involved with the brands that they use: 49% of Gen Z respondents said that they would like to submit ideas for product designs for brands in growth markets, whereas 44% said they would attend an event supported by brands. College enrollment of women aged 18 to 20 years old decreased by 5.8%. Access to areas such as dormitories, common rooms and campus corridors is typically reserved for students, having brand ambassadors advocating your message can provide a workaround for this.\n\nCollege Brand Ambassadors\n\nCollege brand ambassador programs are by no means a new idea, but they have proved to be a successful one, harnessing the passion and energy of students armed with your brand message. Student spending trends change every year. So, whilst college students will inevitably spend the majority of their money on necessities, they are far from shy when spending their money elsewhere too.\n\nDeloitte Back-to-College Report\n\nEach year Deloitte releases its Back-to-College Report [1], detailing where college students are planning to spend their money and, more importantly, how they prioritise certain offerings.\n\nThis year, students pointed towards pricing being one of their most important considerations when it comes to purchasing decisions. Studies have shown how 56% Gen Z will purposefully not click on ads whilst browsing websites, whilst 65% have gone as far as to install ad-blocking technology on their devices to stop seeing them altogether [7]. PINKs brand ambassadors are now spread throughout the country with 2 reps per college and 10 team members per institution, all of whom will be involved with sharing their experiences with the brand on social media, contributing to brand designs and empowering their fellow college women. When we look at high school graduates, in particular, 68 percent were white in 2003 compared to a projected 51 percent in 2021. Certain groups even offer the opportunity for direct contact with specific demographics such as The Latino Fraternal Organizations and Black Greek Letter Organizations. The energy drink has been running a brand ambassador program since its inception, ensuring that college campuses across the country have passionate, energetic representatives to espouse its adventurous brand values and organise branded events.\n\nAt the core of Red Bull's on-campus marketing activities is product sampling. I directed all students in attendance to fill out twenty-sevena - question survey, which required approximately five minutes to complete. The only thing better than the chance of winning something for free is outright getting it. By taking time to understand the broader issues that affect college students, we can better formulate a marketing strategy that really speaks to them. The most common ethnicity of student athletes is White (66.9%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (13.1%), Black or African American (8.8%) and Unknown (5.7%). At this point, students will need advice on applying for jobs, moving home, and learning how to adapt to the working world. The student population of Lawrence, KS in 2020 is skewed towards women, with 12,614 male students and 14,896 female students. Raised in a world of mass connectivity and social media, their affinity for technology has reshaped how they engage with retail, as such they are more aware, more informed and more empowered than any generation before them.\n\nNewfound freedom and responsibility\n\nTaking time to get inside the minds of college students is a key part of understanding how to market to them. \n\nPenetrate Students Space\n\nA college campus is a busy place, even when events such as Rush Week, Freshman Orientation and varsity sports matches arent on. College food environment and student food choice research rarely uses food sales data to assess student food choice; except in the case of vending machine research [11]. Considering college students wariness of marketing messages is vital to delivering a brand message that will not simply be ignored on arrival. While current students may value a good price above everything else today, investing in marketing to this demographic should be seen as a long-term strategy to securing a valuable, lifelong relationship with a consumer group that will have considerably more spending power than those whose have not attended college. All of it, thoughevery single data pointwas demographic in nature, and most often binarily segmented, meaning students were either in-state residents, or nothigh achievers, or notminorities, or notyou get the point. For more information, see < >. It would be fair to argue that just because an average college student is likely to come from a higher socioeconomic background does not guarantee that they will necessarily spend the money that they have been bequeathed from their status. Students at Salt Lake Community College are primarily White with a smaller Hispanic population.The school has medium racial diversity. A giveaway, as opposed to a contest, requires no competition or barrier to entry, besides simply signing up. Identify the key benefits for each group. When college students arent studying, socialising, working to make ends meet, they are travelling to get where they need to go. Updated 05/08/2020: Now includes the latest college marketing advice during the Coronavirus pandemic. Demographic and psychographic characteristics of PANKs from the report include: In the US, there are 18.4 million PANKs aged 20-50 (roughly equals more than a quarter of all American women in that age group) Four in five PANKs are aged 33-52; half are 38-47 years of age Significant social and economic influence Less than half of students expect to regularly communicate with professors or do community-service. 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