We can take martial adept here and grab up an impressive maneuver. Plus, we can greatly embellish on our background once weve chosen one. You probably wont be saying Hey! So Im thinking Ill do swashbuckler Paladin and then give him the Warlock later on. 4. D&D 5e: Swashbuckler Rogue Guide. One can easily start the game with 16s in DEX, CON, and CHA. Swashlock!!! Use your bonus action to Dash 30 ft closer to your enemy and draw your main light weapon My only complain is that Investigation (INT) checks to detect traps are terrible and have no bonus, which sucks when you are also the scout (because Rogue.) Instead, a rogue now takes half of 2d10 on a failed save and no damage on the successful save. We cover the best feats for Rogues in our 5e Rogue Guide, the only changes would be: Fill out the form below to receive Escape From Mt. This is especially useful when used with Dash in your Cunning Action. While we might sometimes make reference to unofficial or homebrew content to illustrate a point (or just because its too cool not to talk about) every option we suggest is legal in the official rules for D&D 5e as published by Wizards of the Coast. Move in, attack action with Booming Blade: Halfling (Lightfoot) +2 DEX, +1 CHA. If you were to switch out at, say, 10th level for another class, you would miss out on 5d6 of sneak attack damage, along with blindsense, elusive, slippery mind, and several other really integral rogue features. Im thinking 4th level per class but narrowing it down to three is so difficult. Investigation (INT) Skip this, it;s for another type of rogue. Fighting Initiate Being able to choose a fighting style opens up a variety of different options for the swashbuckler from improving your AC to increasing your damage output. When faced with do I try to take em down with a solid sneak attack versus burning an action and dancing around in the backfield most times, the attack action takes precedence (especially if your poor fighter is becoming a pin cushion). Multiclassing effectively in 5e . Third level gives us more than just a not so sneaky sneak attack. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: Choose two proficiencies that you have, either in skills or thieves tools. The suggested order of ASI is DEX > CHA > CON. As with most rogue subclasses, Swashbucklers tend to be a single target combatant. The swashbuckler attitude is something that permeates into just about every on-screen hero we see nowadays. WIS: Can help with WIS saves and Perception. This assumes Dex 16, two weapon fighting short swords with no feats5 Fighter/3 RogueExpertise x2, Cunning Action, Second Wind, Action Surge, Extra Attack, ASI/Feat1d6+3 Attack Action1d6+3 Extra Attack Action1d6+3 Bonus Action2d6 Sneak Attack. Arcane Eye may earn a small commission from affiliate links in this article. Okay that last part is just cool, but still. For example, if your goal is to focus purely on melee combat with your rapier, you might want to pick up Fighting Initiate (choosing dueling), Defensive Duelist, Piercer, and Martial Adept to round out your combat potential. Slippery Mind: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. That is the subclass for players who want to play a real rogue. D&D 5E Swashbuckler/warlock multi class. Proficiencies: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. We also pick up a feature that allows us to avoid opportunity attacks from a creature weve made a melee attack against. I think the fighter multiclass also fits the theme well. Since rogues can dash as a bonus action, we should now have no problem fleeing when we need to. Took Warlock for CHA bonus and picked Booming Blade, Minor Illusion, and Hex. Most campaigns arent going to bring you into the higher levels (past 14), so you wont always have to worry about this. Rogues get to choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. The goal is damage vs damage/utility. The idea of doing 1D8 with a rapier, 2D6 from sneak attack, plus another1D6 from Hex and potentially another D8 damage from booming blade every round for an entire hour is too good to pass up. it's just a question of if your MC is . The Rogue hits harder if only a single attack hits, but the Fighter has more opportunities to hit. A swashbuckler is a brave, crafty, and heroic individual, while some may appear to have certain scoundrel qualities. DnD 5e - Practical Guide to Multiclassing. Now, that being said, youre also going to want to take Booming Blade, since its a cantrip that will let you add more damage to your melee attacks, stacking on top of your potential sneak attack damage for a whole lot of dice rolling at one time. UPDATE: Swashbuckler Rogue/Monk multiclass? This could be especially useful if your fighter is getting pincushioned by an enemy 60ft away from you. Tiefling (Dispater, Glasya) +2 CHA, +1 DEX. Swords Bard get all those cool flourishes, and the ability to use their weapon as their spellcasting focus. The species of animal you choose is called your companion's type. For example, do you think the Moderately Armored or Dual Wielder feats are worth it? We love getting to set up good roleplay, and being able to highlight our roleplay in combat is a rare occurrence that most players cherish. Use your Panashe action to taunt the enemy (and win (they are now at a disadvantage to hit anyone but you)) Multiclassing can be difficult to pull off without a plan, and thats only with two classes. Youre right that your action will typically be used for attacking, rather than using Panache. The swashbuckler class gets a slew of excellent abilities that make it one of the best rogue subclasses. Lets take a +2 to our dexterity, moving us up to 19 for a modifier of +4. You get to deal extra damage whenever you land a sneak attack on someone, as shown on the table above. The other noted weakness of the Swashbuckler is the Rakish Audacity feature. Absolutely, Fighter/Swashbuckler sounds like a fantastic combination! Going single weapon with a Rapier as my Kensai weapon. Persuasion (CHA) Yes. Swashbucklers are amazing at two things: mobility and single target damage. The Swashbuckler is a class that you can find in both the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Xanathar's Guide to Everything; nothing really changes. Booming blade is an action. This is especially true since both of these subraces have some great stealthy spells to add to your arsenal. Eldritch Adept Whether or not you chose to grab Eldritch Blast with Magic Initiate, there are a lot of very useful invocations you can add to your arsenal of abilities. Depending on what you want to go for with your Swashbuckler I would say that all of the PHB fighter archetypes are excellent choices for supplementing a Swashbuckler depending on what you want to do. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. So we get really cool abilities out the gate, thats not necessarily a bad thing, right? That damage can get outright ridiculous, especially when you're investing most of your levels into your rogue-class. Rogues are masters of stealth and subterfuge, only plunging in the knife at opportune moments before . Or just let you escape? Swashbuckler/Paladin looked cool to me purely for the nova potential, but I understand that it's MAD unless I start Pally with less than 13 Str. The only levels mentioned for the purpose of these builds are those when you will have the opportunity to make a decision on how your adventurer grows. We cover the best background for Rogues in our 5e Rogue Guide, the only changes would be: Ability Score Increases (ASI) at 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level. The Fighter also gives you access to the Two-weapon Fighting Style (or Dueling if you are going single rapier). Insight (WIS) Leave this for a party member with higher wisdom to focus on. Hexbuckler of the Astral Seas - DnD 5e. Character (C) will also get Dex 20 at level 9 for DPRs of20.21 (L8) and 21.41 (L9) with an additional59.53per short rest. If your campaign is starting at a low level, you wont hit the build you want until near the end of the campaign, if it even lasts that long. Check out our Feats section to learn about the best feats for Swashbucklers. Rapier in hand, the masked man slowly approaches the corrupt sheriff. This skill is good for a specific build, and mainly a different type of bard like thief or scout would pick this up. Many skills ask that you build your Rogue for a tank, that is possible, however not easy. So what are interesting/useful/unique multiclasses from around 12 onwards (or whatever works I'm open to opinions). Yes you loose access to Find Familiar, but you already say the Swashbuckler will almost always be able to sneak attack, so the value of a familiar to Help is minimal. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This doesn't include the effects of crits, the fact you may miss altogether or the fact that having additional attacks increase the odds of you landing your sneak attack (and maybe even critting it). We get a lot of skills thanks to the rogue class. Stealth (DEX) Always a must have for rogues, even if you are perhaps the least stealthy of the rogue archetypes. After that, were just looking at a couple small features that let you make your combat a little more exciting. The creature now views you as a friendly acquaintance and is under the full effects of being charmed. College of Swords certainly has a good thematic fit, but its class features lack luster so Id rather go with one of the other Bard sub-classes. Both attacks missing is 40%*40%= 16%. I think SwashBlade would be a fun build to play. A 5e Guide to Fighter / Rogue Multiclassing. This guide is meant as a deep dive into the Swashbuckler Rogue subclass. Expertise: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. Basically, if were choosing to start casting spells, we want to be able to do as much as we can. You should adhere to a specific build, rather than choosing three feats that work well on their own. Full customization and control of your character, none of the flipping through hundreds of pages to reference obscure rules. As swashbucklers are a rogue archetype in 5th edition, most everything that's true about building a rogue is true for building a swashbuckler. Best is the ability to grapple as a bonus action. Part of the fun of leveling up is having something to look forward to, and if the features coming down the line are no more exciting than what youre already working with, theres not much incentive to stay in this class. I'm thinking of bringing a Swashbuckler into my Adventurers League games. 9. But all that predicates on Readying a move action, which I dont think you can do: i.e., you can move and ready an attack/action, but you cant attack/Pinache(Persuasion action) and ready a move. When it comes to the swashbucklers time on the battlefield, its all about dealing damage. Touch 2: The Push from the Past. I've spoiler-blocked it for the benefit of those that want to skip it. Brave is also a great feature, advantage against being frightened means one less way to get disadvantage against your opponents aka more sneak attacks. Below are some of the best options for Swashbucklers from the standard races. Ultimately though, it depends on what you are trying to get out of the character. The gist of the battle plan on that particular build was go in, hit once with a rapier as a kensei weapon, attempt to stun, then extra attack w/ unarmed strike, boost my AC, disengage freely because of swashbuckler, and use monk's speed to go to another enemy, and use martial arts to hit as a bonus action, or spend a ki point to flurry if I feel like the battle's particularly important. DEX: Swashbucklers, like every rogue subclass, love DEX. Swashbuckler 5e Guide. On top of all the normal halfling abilities, such as lucky, which saves you from rolling 1s on d20 rolls, the lightfoot subrace makes you naturally stealthy. Since martial adept only gives you one superiority die, Im going to take the same feat again. A 60% accuracy means you hit on a 9+ (with a Dex 18 @ level 8, target AC = 16), with advantage this becomes 84% accuracy, hitting 74.25% and critting 9.75% of the time. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until one of your companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart. So they have similar damage outputs, but it's a trade of offense vs defense. For our full class guides, we use the following color rating scheme: For our subclass guides, we focus mainly on the Blue and Sky Blue options, because the other options are discussed in the parent guide or other subclass guides. A halfling lurks in the shadows. Building a Better Swashbuckler. You will want to get this to 20 as soon as possible because it means more damage, more AC, better stealth, etc. Unarmored, has . Learn how your comment data is processed. INT: Let the Wizard be the smart one, youre the stabby one. The following are a few races I think are well-suited to be swashbucklers: Drow +2 DEX, +1 CHA. This is a great start for Swashbucklers. Youll want to go for a charisma caster, and Id highly suggest choosing Warlock for two reasons. thoughts? You just attack like normal, but with a cool (although loud) bonus. Elf: A +2 to DEX, Darkvision, and proficiency in the Perception skill. Your email address will not be published. They have quite a few helpful abilities, probably the best of which is their spellcasting, with the ability to cast darkness once you hit 5th level. Martial Adept The maneuvers of the battle master fighter subclass are a very natural mix with the swashbuckler, allowing you to pull off impressive stunts during combat. Disarming Strike, Riposte, Parry and many others are all great options. In fact, had the first two and last two been switched, I probably wouldnt notice any serious power imbalance. When you have to make a Dexterity saving throw in order to take half damage from an effect you now take no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save. If you play a highly mobile race like a Tabaxi or Wood Elf you can get in your melee attacks and still end your turn somewhere safe. Skills: Usually Rogues would pick either Deception or Persuasion and make sure their face interactions stick to that particular skill. we-are-rogue: [by Derek Nekritz, abridged from the article The Miracles of Multiclassing / Middle Finger of Vecna.Art: The Duel (detail) by Shen Fei / The Shadow Glass by AlyFell / by 3D Ace Studio] Multiclassing for Fun and Profit Dispater, Glasya ) +2 CHA, +1 CHA multiclass also fits the theme well good for party... Dexterity, moving us up to 19 for a modifier of +4 you as a dive... Thanks to the Swashbucklers time on the successful save obscure rules Warlock on. Rogues are masters of stealth and subterfuge, only plunging in the skill... A friendly acquaintance and is under the full effects of being charmed weve chosen one others... To add to your arsenal for rogues, even if you are going single )... 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