otis chandler goodreads net worth

He essentially mentored me into becoming more than an engineer, becoming a product manager, and by the end of Tickle, I was not just a coder, I was managing a team of ten people including marketing, design, business development and engineering, and et cetera. [56][57][58], In January 2012, Goodreads switched from using Amazon's public Product Advertising API for book metadata (such as title, author, and number of pages) to book wholesaler Ingram. The scion of the wealthy Chandler family who took over the Los Angeles Times and transformed it into a nationally respected publication. But without much fanfare -- or outside funding -- he built his community of booklovers to 650,000 members. Youll hear how working for Tickle.coms founder, James Currier, was better than going to business school. If we scroll through it we can find lots of different portfolios. [46], The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (version 2) and Kindle Voyage feature integration with Goodreads' social network via a user interface button. I should say that. Or even the Google AdWords self-serve product in that its cost-per-click based. Andrew: You know where they grow those kinds of engineers/entrepreneurs is Hacker News. Monster Worldwide, the leading purveyor of online jobs, purchased the company in 2004. That gave his business enough traction to raise money from investors and grow it to over 2.6 million members. Which were very passionate about. Andrew: I got a lot of books from friends like that. Interviewee: Definitely. Paul Graham created this nice little community of people who are all hackers who build sites and build businesses and they just talk to each other and they pass news stories to each other, I dont know of another place like that. In 2007, Otis Chandler developed a social network for bookworms because, rather than relying on media reviews and bestseller lists, he wanted to get reading recommendations from friends. What to give them and what not to? He wanted to integrate this scanning experience and to create a space where people could write reviews regarding the books that they read. Profile Name: Otis Chandler Age: 31 Company: Goodreads.com Title: CEO and president First job: Ranch hand in Montana Bookselling in the future will be "all about using the Internet and free e . Goodreads often refuses to remove quotes with "likes" from an author's profile, even if the quotes are false or invalid. Research help from Claire Murashima. [25], In March 2013, Amazon made an agreement to acquire Goodreads in the second quarter of 2013 for an undisclosed sum. Mrs. A lot of engineers just like thinking about code and I can understand that, so if youre an engineer who likes just thinking about code maybe you need your left hand man who can go think about business, like you and your brother. Thank you Otis. But Ive always been an engineering minded kid. Tickle had one of the best company cultures Ive ever seen and granted, I havent seen that many. Otis Chandler believed this rating system would be superior to Amazon's, as Amazon's includes books a user has browsed or purchased as gifts when determining its recommendations. Otis Chandler Founder and CEO in San Francisco Visit my company website. Whered you come up with the idea? [52] Goodreads librarians coordinate on the Goodreads Librarian Group. It was all about learning how you build the product. You had match.com, you had americansingles.com, and eHarmony, and those are great. And maybe every couple months Id empty my Amazon shopping cart. Alright, lets continue. [70] Interviewee: Oh, its, its, its amazing so far. "[22], As of 2012, membership was required to use but free. And both my grandfathers own their own companies and are successful. I wanted to read more and I knew, as an engineer, I had missed all of these great books. Thank you everyone. I mean it was all about creating content so I mean to make something viral you have to create something that is able to go viral right? Heres the interview. Andrew: Yeah, its still true today though, right? And I think it has. Andrew: I remember one of the things we talked about, you spoke at a live Mixergy event about how to build virility into your product and you said that when a user registers youd ask them for their friends immediately, right? But yes, I have seen the bloggers, I have seen the podcasters built up a big enough audience to then parley that into book sales. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. And I see Dave Yank, whos watching the slide has got a question. Dorothy Buffum Chandler died last summer and her son Otis Chandler, who at one time ran both Times Mirror Co. and the flagship Los Angeles Times newspaper, stepped down from the board after 36 years. Alright how can people connect with you Otis? If the product is going to be viral it has to be more useful if there are friends then if there are not. Now he gets the same write-up and nothing happens. The reason I wrote groups, and the reason groups are really, really good on Goodreads is we use them everyday, but we dont use them as a book discussion club, we use them as a feedback forum. You dont have to be a published author to do this. Andrew: 2.7 million registered users I said in the beginning you got up to 650,000 on your own, no outside funding. Dont go. So Im glad I didnt do it. Goodreads is a "social cataloging" website founded in December 2006 and launched in January 2007 by Otis Chandler, a software engineer, and entrepreneur, and Elizabeth Khuri. How can they get people to read them? Interviewee: For one, I didnt feel like getting another job. So if you have a new book about science fiction. So we can really decide if this is the right company for us. Haystack.com, thats where youre gonna find the right web designer for your next project. [31], Noting that some authors had been "too aggressive in their self-promotion" (as Goodreads admitted in an email) and that some readers had responded with aggression,[32] in September 2013, Goodreads announced it would delete, without warning, reviews that threatened authors or mentioned authors' behavior. Scott Everett for NPR [7] On March 28, 2013, Amazon announced its acquisition of Goodreads,[8] and by July 23, 2013, Goodreads announced their user base had grown to 20 million members. So, can you tell people what Goodreads is? Andrew: What else worked well? Users were offered the ability to export data and migrate accounts. Alright, how many members do you have now? Thats actually one thing publishers look for in an author, is do they have a way to market it? But, after you go through this process of adding all the books you want to add at that time theres not much left for you to do. which is go out and get the book and try to learn it on your own. Otis Chandler is a member of Family Member Otis Chandler Net worth: 5 Million Some Otis Chandler images About [13] Chandler and Khuri both grew up in California. So then they started going to these niche sites. Youll see why picking the right name when you launch your company is so important. Andrew: How can you decide which ideas you listen to? If its not you focus on the part of the business that you know and get a rock star engineer. And its an iterative process. He says he loves Good Reads, he loves the community on there, and he wonders what youre going to do to get authors more engaged. [1] [71] Having false or invalid quotes removed can be a difficult process; problematically the quotes can be picked up by third-party websites like Pinterest and Instagram in the meantime, spreading invalid quotes attributed to the author even further, as Goodreads quotes bring a high amount of web traffic. Last week, O'Reilly GM and publisher Joe Wikert reviewed Goodreads' CEO Otis Chandler's TOC session, in which Chandler presented the results of a recent Goodreads readers survey.One of the interesting pieces from the survey covered the effectiveness of Goodreads reviews. Interviewee: He was. I also think he has an assistant who helps him organize it all and maybe even sometimes post it all. Did you run a bunch of different quizzes, and then that ones that did you test a bunch of different quizzes and only run widely those that worked well, or did you have some other system to figure out what was compelling? Or the most hardcore booklovers. Net income in mil. Theres definitely, yeah theres definitely still a lot of opportunities still on the web, I think. So I dont know about you, but the way I keep my real books at home, is I have one shelf where I keep all my favorite business books, another shelf where I keep all my favorite sci-fi books, another shelf where I keep books I havent read yet. In relation to Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, 58% of surveyed readers said they . Otis graduated with a B.S. I mean I was totally the kid that disassembled every mechanical piece in our house when I was young. I had a drawer, not a drawer, several cabinets full of disassembled stuff. Thanks for liking this post. So Goodreads was built to do this, our position is not catalog your books, our position is see what your friends are reading, or get excited about reading through your friends. Do you have a group on Goodreads thats like that? Find out Otis Chandlernet worth 2020, salary 2020 detail bellow. [36], On the Goodreads website, users can add books to their personal bookshelves, rate and review books, see what their friends and authors are reading, participate in discussion boards and groups on a variety of topics, and get suggestions for future reading choices based on their reviews of previously read books. You know, it kind of seemed like it was the wild west where you could actually create real things from nothing. Nothing big. [53], User data becomes proprietary to Goodreads[54] though available via an application programming interface, or API,[55] unlike similar projects like The Open Library which publish the catalog and user edits as open data. He was the fourth and final member of the Chandler family to hold the paper's top position. Andrew: And so, when the company sold for a hundred million dollars to Monster, that give you any kind of freedom? "Reading may be a solitary activity, but what you're reading and what you think of what you're reading are . Yea, that was what got me into the web. They can go to Goodreads.com, they can add you over there right? Or much faster feedback about something you write. Andrew: Alright, and you talked about compelling content. [2], Goodreads was founded in December 2006 and launched in January 2007 by Otis Chandler and Elizabeth Khuri Chandler. So what you had back then if you wanted to tap into a lot of people was pretty much email. [42] By 2011, "seventeen thousand authors, including James Patterson and Margaret Atwood" used Goodreads to advertise.[4]. Andrew: Was it about the, the Was it about the businesses that were being built out of nothing that excited you? Was it just watch me and youll learn, or was it more formal than that? Andrew: Good example, by the way. Is the audio coming in? Edit Personal Investments Section. You know, a kind of a virtual shelf to show off and that ends up being very good for book discovery, you know, book communication with your friends. So youd ask them for access to their address book so you can email their friends. [23] In October 2012, Goodreads announced it had grown to 11 million members with 395 million books cataloged and over 20,000 book clubs created by its users. Andrew: The book Think and grow rich, I think one of its points there is to work with good people, because their systems, their was of working is going to rub off on you. US . So we were really shocked when we were trying to do anything that was going on that wasnt working. No, I get those emails from you. How do you like it? Whether you own them or not. He is from USA. [10], Goodreads founders Otis Chandler and Elizabeth Khuri Chandler first met while studying at Stanford (Engineering and English respectively). [21] The New Yorker's Macy Halford noted that the algorithm was not perfect, as the number of books needed to create a perfect recommendation system is so large that "by the time I'd got halfway there, my reading preferences would have changed and I'd have to start over again. So discussion groups have really taken off as the second major thing to do on Goodreads. So its kind of fun like that. And my wife and I, I kind of view my wife as my co-founder. So, everywhere on the site you go we dont show you like book reviews about Harry Potter, we show you heres what your friends thought of Harry Potter, and we show you heres what everybody else thought of Harry Potter. So suddenly we were just being mentioned in all these blogs. So much depends on being able to get stuff done, and engineers are the only guys who can get stuff done, so yeah, they have a lot of power in todays internet company. Did you have shares of Tickle.com? Its only about a week and a half old, but its pretty exciting for us. 160,000 social networks or something like that? Am to admitting some kind of ignorance here? Interviewee: I think it is. Andrew: Alright, so one of the reasons that it went viral is because people love talking about their IQs or the results of their tests, what kind of dog they were. I got that book for my Kindle, I love it. Interviewee: Ah, right. [19], In 2011, Goodreads acquired Discovereads, a book recommendation engine that employs "machine learning algorithms to analyze which books people might like, based on books they've liked in the past and books that people with similar tastes have liked. [17] During its first year of business, the company was run without any formal funding. Andrew: Alright, but, so you were taking things apart even as a kid. So there needs to be some way you can use it day one, without anybody else on there. It depends on, again, on the book. Otis Chandler has made 2 investments. Thank you everyone for watching, Im looking forward to your comments and Im looking forward to talking to, actually Im looking forward to your comments lets leave it there. Hes talking to fans and hes got big followings on all those services. And they had little rings of blogs where Ive got my ten blog roll, front book blogs on the side and every time they read a book theyd write a blog post. Little bit of Goodreads trivia. Andrew: And how did he pass on what he learnt at Tickle to you? [63] After Amazon's acquisition of Goodreads, this policy was modified to include deletion of any review containing "an ad hominem attack or an off-topic comment". Interviewee: Yeah, I think so. So that was the big lesson, serious is good but fun is viral. Interviewee: Thousands of dollars. And Goodreads, before it got any outside funding, it was him, just building this thing up. Interviewee: Sure, so remember this was 2000-2004, this was pre-Facebook, there was no Twitter, there was no Social Graph to spread things into, even pre-Friendster, a lot of it. Howd you come up with the idea? Hes on twitter every day. You know I wish I could have that story, Yeah I sold candy to everyone in the second grade and that was my first business like every other entrepeneur seems to have, but my mind wasnt there. And theres a lot ofpretty much everybodys building a social network these days. Andrew: Definitely, alright, well end it there. The New York Times noted that Goodreads, at the time of the acquisition, had a more reputable reviewing system than Amazon's. I talked to Dennis Crowley about that issue with Foursquare, you know its a mobile social network, and he said that at first until all your friends are on it he wanted to find something for you to do so he created a contest, he added, not a contest but gaming mechanisms into it. It's no surprise that Elizabeth Khuri Chandler MA '03, co-founder of Goodreads, was always an avid reader. "[4][20] After a user has rated 20 books on its five-star scale, the site will begin making recommendations. Andrew: You also said that you want to make it so that they feel a need constantly, maybe not constantly, but frequently to keep bringing their friends in. And it actually launched under Goodreadz.com with a z. And what I noticed about dating was that you had big generic social networks. And thats okay. [3][4] In December 2007, the site had 650,000 members[5] and 10,000,000 books had been added. I had never read Pride and Prejudice. I learned C, so I had a little bit of exposure to it, but not a lot. Login or become a premium member. You know Id check Google blog alerts every day and it just blew my mind because these guys were just writing about us like Oh my gosh have you seen this thing its perfect, Im switching to this, come follow me here. So that was kind of after matchbook picked us up that was kind of, that was the next way that we kind of got big. Interviewee: Right. Thankfully the Kindle is allowing me to buy books remotely though. Interviewee: I think so. Andrew: And hes a huge author with a huge following and a great track record and hes still out there hustling, selling, connecting, building his audience every day. I'm an entrepreneur, a product person, a book lover, a surfer, and a geek. But the point is, you went from big generic to lots of little niche ones and the niche ones worked because they were tight around a community and the interests that people liked. Otis figured he might prove him wrong, and in 2007, launched Goodreads, a book catalog and review site that he coded from his LA apartment. Interviewee: Sure. His books ten years ago they would just become best sellers by getting in the New York Times. Andrew Im seeing Scott Simko whos watching us live is saying, GRR Martin has a big following on his blog. I dont know GRR Martin. So you know this idea is kind of built into it, and everywhere you go on the site youre kind of getting this reminder that theres stuff happening here and your friends are talking about it, and that just kind of helps get the concept across that hey, I should add friends. Hes talking to fans and hes got big followings on all those.. The beginning you got up to 650,000 on your own, no outside funding it... Own their own companies and are successful: 2.7 million registered users I said in the New York.! Not a lot ofpretty much everybodys building a social network these days or was just! Excited you relation to Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and the Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, 58 of... Of freedom [ 10 ], Goodreads was founded in December 2007, the site had members. Both my grandfathers own their own companies and are successful Khuri Chandler met... 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